Well this is the first post after Champ's arrival. Just to catch up everyone, I gave birth to Champion John Courville July 27, 2007 at 3:53 pm. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20" in length. The day went fantastic. My doctor was wonderful, my doula (birth coach and lactation consultant), the staff at Memorial Hermann and Jeff couldn't have done any better. It was truly one of the most spiritual events in my life and I will forever be greatful to God for it.
Both Jeff and I have been a bit secrative over the last couple of weeks, but my track record continues...nothing happens normally. At 36 weeks, I was quite dialated, but Champ was not ready to come. Over my next couple of appointments, I continued to dialate, but his head proved to be hard from pre-birth and he did not want to come out. At my 38 week appointment, my doctor said she had never seen a woman in my situation. For a first pregnancy this should not happen. She prepared me for a c-section saying some children just don't want to come and we don't know why. She sent me home reluctantly as there were risks to Champ's life because of the situation. She wanted to induce and so we did Friday.
I was a bit of a nervous wreck from my appointment wednesday thru thursday evening and did a whole bunch of praying. Didn't sleep much thursday night, but woke-up friday with the greatest sence of peace.
We arrived at the hospital, got a room and my ob broke my water. The first hurdle was cleared when Champ's head engaged. Labor set on fast and hard. It was extremely painful and not very productive as he was sideways. After 4 hours of active labor, the nurse checked. He was not lined up and still had a long way to come. I caved into the drugs. I feared a seizure if the labor wore me out too much. The epidural is a great marvel of modern medicine. As the epidural set in my ob said we will give pitocin a try and see what progress would come and if he would, this would be a long labor. The tone of her voice was not promising.
I tried to relax for the time and save my energy for whatever may come. About 3 hours later, she came again and checked. She was astonished. His head was alligned, his body was in place and she asked if I were ready to start pushing. (again drugs are wonderful!) I said sure. In less than 30 minutes Champ made his grand entrance. Lots of training lead to a suprisingly easy delivery. (Thank you Randy!)
So the long and short...the doula was right and is always right. She said all along to not worry. His head would desend and we would be fine. I asked my doctor on Saturday what chances would she have given me that I would avoid a c-section at that time, she said maybe 25%. God is wonderful. Lots of prayers made it possible.
Champ is definitely Jeff's son. With future pictures you will see his head full of hair, an olive complexion that is darker than mine at birth and a dimple in each cheek.
I will post more later, but Champ is waking up, I must go.
Thanks again for all of the thoughts and prayers.