Wednesday, January 21, 2009

when it rains...

This week it's poured. Champ has had a runny nose and visited the pediatrician on Monday. Diagnoses... sinus and ear infection, augmenten. I went to the ENT with a terrible sinus headache, but I could still breath, I too had a sinus infection, augmenten to the rescue again. Jeff is helping us both mend and things are headed that way. The weather is gorgeous so hopefully a run is in order for this evening.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

geaux, (well in texas) go tigers

So we, the parents, attended our first open house, SVDP Tigers. I was really impressed but nervous at the same time. We attended the open house for the school at our church parish. The parish has 4000 registered families and a school for 500 students. This works out to 50 children K through 8th with a slightly smaller pre-K4.

The school was great. They started with a welcome from the principal followed by a video. The first segment of the video was dedicated to the spritual development of the children. Their religious education inclules a weekly school mass, amazing! (We had mass weekly but it was just a daily mass. The size of our school vs. the size of the Church prevented school masses too frequently.) This mass is said consistenly by the same priest aimed at the kids.

The video went on to list all of the school activies and extra-curricular activities for the children. Because the school is so small, there are no "cuts" on athletic teams. All of the girls can be cheerleaders and all of the boys football players, if they so wish. I admit seeing a football team fielded with just 25 boys must be histerical.

The tour then followed. We were escorted through the school by two current 8th grade girls. It was a tour nararated by two streams of conciounesses filled with "like, oh my God", "totally cool" and "it's soooo fun". It was a complete brain dump and really funny.

The school also boasts 100% acceptance into the Catholic High Schools and Public Magnent High Scools. This is good because I do hope Champ's education will not stop at the 8th grade.

At the end of the tour we spoke with the head of admissions where she said they usually had 40-50 applications for 32 pre-K spots and 50 application for kindergarten...for the remaining 18 spots. That's the scary part. Of corse sibilings get first admittance. The first child is always the hardest to get in. So I will say my prayers, sign my weekly checks to the Church and hope that Champ gets in.

Yes, I am admittedly high strung. Once Champ is in, then i relax. He is free to be who he is and do what he wants. the joys of being a parent...

Monday, January 5, 2009

yes, he's 17 months but...

I just registered for his future school open house (God willing). He won't even be admitted until 2011 for pre-K. It's a Catholic School with only 500 students in the middle of the 4th largest city in the country. I will have to see what building I will have to donate to get him in.

I must apologize for the lack of posts. There will be some to come soon with pictures from Christmas and such.

And I promise to get more frequent in my posts.