Okay, so this is way late but happy birthday to Champ!
I have been horrible about finishing this post, so I just decided to let the pictures do most of the storytelling...
It has been an amazing, educating, eventful, (you get the idea) year... Champ has grown up a lot. I still have fond memories of him laying in the palm of my hand.

Obviously he has changed quite a bit, and I would never get him to sit still enough for that picture again. He has taught me so much over the last year. He is such a joy to watch develop, and I thank God everyday for blessing Anna and I with the pleasure of raising him.
Champ had an awesome poolside bash at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house in Lafayette. All had a good time, and we took the traditional pictures of him to record the event...
The cake

Champ preparing to pounce

Champ with cake beard

The little guy enjoying his new birthday throne

We love you Champ! I wanted to share some of these images with all of you who are in love with the Champ as well.