Monday, July 16, 2007

quiet weekend

Since beginning the blog, we have already been challenged that keeping posts current will be difficult. I am sure depending on what life throws at us, that may be quite true, but both Jeff and I will try to keep the important things communicated.

This weekend was nice and quiet. We watched the Tour de France climb through the Alps. The athletic ability of professional cyclists is amazing to spectate. I won't bore all the non cycling fans, but the strategies are interesting to watch unfold as are the wrecks very painfull to see. I ask my son everyday if he is going to arrive early enough to see the ride into Paris on July 29. We will all just have to wait and see what his answer is.

Another important milestone of the weekend...Anna now owns a digital camera. I love black and white photography and will continue my use of film and darkrooms, however in today's world the need for digital photographs is growing. Jeff bought me (as an early baby present) the digital Cannon to match my film one so all of my lenses will be interchangeable. The main purpose of the new camera will be the ease in uploading pictures to the blog. One thing I have learned about photography is that it is a money-pit of a hobby. The new camera puts a 1.5 multiplier on all of my I "need" some wider angle lenses. I think Cannon purposefully changed things enough so that people would keep buying equipment...corporate America.

I also dragged Jeff to the gym this weekend. I have to admit that 3 weeks from my due date and I am still keeping up or doing better than some men that join in our workout sessions (Jeff not included). Some have commented that they can't believe I am still working out, but mentally I really enjoy doing something. At this point, I am most looking forward to the challenge of getting back into shape. Our trainer has already said the little guy will be welcome to join Jeff and I in our future workouts. We will have to see how that works. (Note for the concerned parents: Jeff did ask the doctor at my last visit if working out was still permissable. She said at this point the worst that could happen would be labor. I am at full term today so the little man is cleared for arrival.)

We continue preparations arround the house for the arrival and are starting to pack bags for the hospital and such. Keep us in your prayers and we will let everyone know as things develop.



Carrie said...

How about when you crash, fly over the barricade, and go over the side of an Alp! Crazy! And then get back on your bike and keep riding. That was my favorite part.

Jeff and Anna said...

yes! I thought the look on Arroyo's face was priceless, "Uh, nobody saw that right?"

I was sorry that Mick Rogers did not have as much luck though, but that is the Tour.
