Last night we walked over to Rice Village for dinner with Champ. He was great; he really loves the BOB. I really enjoy watching him in the stroller. His facial expressions are priceless and I often wonder what he is thinking. At dinner, we sat outside and he was truly enthralled with a pink flood light. In fact, the light worked so well, maybe I should invest in one for the house. The walk home was the most eventful part of the outing. On the way home Jeff noticed a cloud and lightening in the distance. We picked up our pace to a very brisk walk. On our way we noticed a few small rain drops and continued our pace. Just as we arrived home the rain drops started. We ducked into the back door, and the heavens opened within seconds. We both said a huge thank you to God as he couldn't have timed that better.
It was all a little ironic. During the LSU game on TV I noticed a girl in a white t-shirt in the rain. I commented that a white t-shirt is a tasteless choice in the rain. Yes, last night I was in a white t-shirt. Careful what I say, those comments always have a way at coming back at me.
As it is the start to the Labor Day weekend, Jeff and I are looking forward to the time together. Lots of football on tv today, that allways makes me happy.
Enjoy the holiday,
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
a hard day's night
Well, it appears the honeymoon is over. Champ has entered into his developmental phase and with it he has learned what colic is. The little guy has taken to some very fussy evenings. The hardest thing from my viewpoint is seeing him so upset and not being able to diagnose/fix his problem. I can handle his crying remarkably well, but I guess this is just a life lesson for me. There will be many things he will encounter that as his mother I will be unable to fix. He will just have to face his challenges head on. My role will be to just love and support him. I hope that I will be able to know when he just needs me to listen and not fix or advise.
This moment is one that I love. After a rough couple of hours, his is sleeping peacefully on my lap. He is warm and nestled just so. It appears that for now my lap is the perfect size to hold him perfectly.
On a separate note, UPS arrived last night with a bunch of pottery barn boxes, yippee. I am trying to finish a few odds and ends in the nursery. The most important piece for his room arrived last night, some storage boxes. The boxes will hopefully help Champ keep his toys organized for me, but the boxes are fabric covered in camo. That is completely for his father. I don't think Jeff's son's room will ever be complete without fish, camo and LSU. Now with the arrival of the camo boxes, the golden triangle is finished.
Well the heavens have opened in Houston, so Champ and I are home bound for the time being. We have just started wondering out into the world, but braving the rain and lightening is not something I am ready for yet. Hopefully it will pass soon and we will return to the streets of Houston.
This moment is one that I love. After a rough couple of hours, his is sleeping peacefully on my lap. He is warm and nestled just so. It appears that for now my lap is the perfect size to hold him perfectly.
On a separate note, UPS arrived last night with a bunch of pottery barn boxes, yippee. I am trying to finish a few odds and ends in the nursery. The most important piece for his room arrived last night, some storage boxes. The boxes will hopefully help Champ keep his toys organized for me, but the boxes are fabric covered in camo. That is completely for his father. I don't think Jeff's son's room will ever be complete without fish, camo and LSU. Now with the arrival of the camo boxes, the golden triangle is finished.
Well the heavens have opened in Houston, so Champ and I are home bound for the time being. We have just started wondering out into the world, but braving the rain and lightening is not something I am ready for yet. Hopefully it will pass soon and we will return to the streets of Houston.
Monday, August 27, 2007
happy 1 month son and comments anyone???
Let's start with a happy one month birthday to Champ. Yesterday was also an important day. We've previously took Champ on some shorter test runs, but yesterday we made our first full lap around the normal Rice loop (just under 5 miles) and yes the BOB rocks. Champ enjoyed the run as well as me and Anna. He slept for about half of the time, and the rest he seemed to enjoy looking at the trees on the route. This was also a great milestone for Anna's and my sanity because our runs are an essential part of "normal" life.
How about some comments? I have talked to a lot of our family, who mention things about the blog which lets me know they are reading it. Some of you guys have told me hilarious things that would make great comments. Please don't be bashful and post a comment if you have one. You just need to click on the link below the post (the one that says "comment"), and it is pretty simple to post your message. You will also be able to view the other comments made by others (also fun and interesting). If you are prompted to enter a word you are given graphically, this is not a screening process. It simply verifies you are a human and not a computer generating comments. Also bear in mind that sarcasm is okay and in fact welcomed. I tell all the stories of Champ peeing on me because we can laugh at ourselves. Finally, I wanted everyone to know that we enjoy reading the comments, and they make the blogging much more interactive for us.
So, I will look forward to all the comments from those who love us, those who find us weird or interesting, and those who just like to make fun of us.
How about some comments? I have talked to a lot of our family, who mention things about the blog which lets me know they are reading it. Some of you guys have told me hilarious things that would make great comments. Please don't be bashful and post a comment if you have one. You just need to click on the link below the post (the one that says "comment"), and it is pretty simple to post your message. You will also be able to view the other comments made by others (also fun and interesting). If you are prompted to enter a word you are given graphically, this is not a screening process. It simply verifies you are a human and not a computer generating comments. Also bear in mind that sarcasm is okay and in fact welcomed. I tell all the stories of Champ peeing on me because we can laugh at ourselves. Finally, I wanted everyone to know that we enjoy reading the comments, and they make the blogging much more interactive for us.
So, I will look forward to all the comments from those who love us, those who find us weird or interesting, and those who just like to make fun of us.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Cornholio's back (my lawn mower is too...)
Let's start with Cornholio. Anna and I have used the expression that Champ turns into Cornholio from time to time. We have gotten a couple of puzzled looks with some friends and family not understanding the reference, so I figured I'd explain.
Most guys my age who had poor taste in comedic television probably watched a fair amount of Beavis and Butthead on MTV. Clearly the funniest episode was when Beavis ate a bunch of candy and with the help of a sugar high turned into "The Great Cornholio", then antics ensued. Of course the whole episode was fairly crude and mindless humor, but it was funny nonetheless. So what does this have to do with Champ?? When he falls into a really deep sleep, he puts his arms up above his head like a goal post which was part of Beavis' signature move as Cornholio. Champ has yet to pull his shirt over his head like Beavis, but I'm sure he may learn this later from his bad influences (like his Dad). I have included pictures below to help with the reference. As well as how cute he looks, we love this pose because it usually means the sleepless night is over and you can get about 3 good hours of sleep before he wakes up!

Now let's talk about my lawn mower. Most of you probably don't know that I have been struggling to keep my lawn mower running all summer. The engine has coughed and sputtered barely keeping the blade moving to a point of just plain embarrassment almost every time I've cut the grass.
I have run into a lot of people who have the false impression that because someone is a mechanical engineer they also have the skills of a mechanic. This is definitely not true. However, even though I lack all the skills I do fancy myself as handy fixing things around the house including our cars and such. Usually (like any good engineer) I just take it apart over a cold beer as if I knew what I was doing. Often times after not finding a shoestring untied or something obvious like this, I realize I have broke it even further. This leads me to actually do some studying or consulting someone who knows what they are doing for advice. At the end of the day, I learn something and the sick patient gets fixed.
This strategy has been very successful so far. I've done most of the maintenance on our vehicles and even repaired a few broken things on my truck and Anna's car. I say all this to lead up to my recent humiliation cutting my grass. My neighbor never said anything, but he gave me lot's of looks that I interpreted as phrases like "I thought he said he was a mechanical engineer" or "should I tell him that mower shouldn't sound like that?"
I have taken the engine apart about five times this summer trying to fix various things. Each time I was disappointed after not fixing the whole problem (part of which was the damage I had done while "fixing" the engine). After the last time, I was running out of patience. I sat down with a beer and had a talk with the mower. I told him that it was his last shot and threatened the junkyard if he did start performing. So after I got a pep talk from Charles (my brother-in-law who is a mechanical engineer who actually does know how to work on engines) and some advice, I took it apart one last time discovering a damaged gasket in the carberator. I didn't realize that this gasket also was also a diaphram that was pretty important for the engine to work properly (this must be why Briggs and Stratton so conveniently calls it a diaphram carberator). Anyway today after about 10 minutes and $4.32 later, I replaced the gasket and was finally victorious. This probably sounds ridiculous, but I celebrated my victory with a beer and felt like Tom Hanks in Castaway after he managed to start a fire on the beach. For now, I can poke my chest out with pride until I break something else!
Most guys my age who had poor taste in comedic television probably watched a fair amount of Beavis and Butthead on MTV. Clearly the funniest episode was when Beavis ate a bunch of candy and with the help of a sugar high turned into "The Great Cornholio", then antics ensued. Of course the whole episode was fairly crude and mindless humor, but it was funny nonetheless. So what does this have to do with Champ?? When he falls into a really deep sleep, he puts his arms up above his head like a goal post which was part of Beavis' signature move as Cornholio. Champ has yet to pull his shirt over his head like Beavis, but I'm sure he may learn this later from his bad influences (like his Dad). I have included pictures below to help with the reference. As well as how cute he looks, we love this pose because it usually means the sleepless night is over and you can get about 3 good hours of sleep before he wakes up!

Now let's talk about my lawn mower. Most of you probably don't know that I have been struggling to keep my lawn mower running all summer. The engine has coughed and sputtered barely keeping the blade moving to a point of just plain embarrassment almost every time I've cut the grass.
I have run into a lot of people who have the false impression that because someone is a mechanical engineer they also have the skills of a mechanic. This is definitely not true. However, even though I lack all the skills I do fancy myself as handy fixing things around the house including our cars and such. Usually (like any good engineer) I just take it apart over a cold beer as if I knew what I was doing. Often times after not finding a shoestring untied or something obvious like this, I realize I have broke it even further. This leads me to actually do some studying or consulting someone who knows what they are doing for advice. At the end of the day, I learn something and the sick patient gets fixed.
This strategy has been very successful so far. I've done most of the maintenance on our vehicles and even repaired a few broken things on my truck and Anna's car. I say all this to lead up to my recent humiliation cutting my grass. My neighbor never said anything, but he gave me lot's of looks that I interpreted as phrases like "I thought he said he was a mechanical engineer" or "should I tell him that mower shouldn't sound like that?"
I have taken the engine apart about five times this summer trying to fix various things. Each time I was disappointed after not fixing the whole problem (part of which was the damage I had done while "fixing" the engine). After the last time, I was running out of patience. I sat down with a beer and had a talk with the mower. I told him that it was his last shot and threatened the junkyard if he did start performing. So after I got a pep talk from Charles (my brother-in-law who is a mechanical engineer who actually does know how to work on engines) and some advice, I took it apart one last time discovering a damaged gasket in the carberator. I didn't realize that this gasket also was also a diaphram that was pretty important for the engine to work properly (this must be why Briggs and Stratton so conveniently calls it a diaphram carberator). Anyway today after about 10 minutes and $4.32 later, I replaced the gasket and was finally victorious. This probably sounds ridiculous, but I celebrated my victory with a beer and felt like Tom Hanks in Castaway after he managed to start a fire on the beach. For now, I can poke my chest out with pride until I break something else!
and small engine repair,
sleepless nights
quiet time
It's rare that I find myself unable to sleep, but tonight is one of those nights. I always try to see the positive side of any situation, so instead of tossing and turning and worrying what the lack of sleep will lead to...I am going to use this precious quiet just to reflect.
I find it amazing how quick time is flying since Champ's arrival. Yesterday marked 4 weeks that he has been part of our lives. Small changes are occuring daily. When he came home, all of his clothes seemed so big, and now everything seems to fit. I am already questioning how much longer he will be wearing his current wardrobe. His diapers are even getting snug. I do truely enjoy each day and eagerly look forward to the things he will learn and how much he has yet to teach me.
So many things seem to have occured in the last week. Jeff and I have been venturing out quite a bit. We have returned to working out and running. Yes, Champ had his first trip in the jogging stroller (the BOB) and slept through the whole thing. Another first this week, was his first hair cut. In true Courville fashion, his head full of hair required a bit of a trim to keep the hair off of his ears and his collar. There is not any noticable change, but I couldn't have my child looking unkempt for his baptism.
Speaking of baptism, things are progressing on that front. I found a baptismal gown with the help of his Maw maw this past week. I am also finalizing invitations, party plans and, in general, logistics for the weekend. It's amazing how much I look forward to seeing my child pass through a mile stone such as this.
Well I hear it is time for another feeding so I must run.
I find it amazing how quick time is flying since Champ's arrival. Yesterday marked 4 weeks that he has been part of our lives. Small changes are occuring daily. When he came home, all of his clothes seemed so big, and now everything seems to fit. I am already questioning how much longer he will be wearing his current wardrobe. His diapers are even getting snug. I do truely enjoy each day and eagerly look forward to the things he will learn and how much he has yet to teach me.
So many things seem to have occured in the last week. Jeff and I have been venturing out quite a bit. We have returned to working out and running. Yes, Champ had his first trip in the jogging stroller (the BOB) and slept through the whole thing. Another first this week, was his first hair cut. In true Courville fashion, his head full of hair required a bit of a trim to keep the hair off of his ears and his collar. There is not any noticable change, but I couldn't have my child looking unkempt for his baptism.
Speaking of baptism, things are progressing on that front. I found a baptismal gown with the help of his Maw maw this past week. I am also finalizing invitations, party plans and, in general, logistics for the weekend. It's amazing how much I look forward to seeing my child pass through a mile stone such as this.
Well I hear it is time for another feeding so I must run.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Geaux Tigers!
Yesterday Champ reminded us that we would be enjoying LSU football NEXT WEEK! I think his exact words were "Waaaaaaaaaa! Geaux Tigers!"
Also, here's a tip for all you parents of newborn Tigers. You will probably need more than one LSU outfit for the little one. Champ is already expressing his pickiness about which Tiger get up he likes best. He can't talk yet, so he just peed or other things on the first couple of LSU outfits we chose. Apparently the grey one was the winner, it stayed dry and free of foreign colors all day!
We had a great weekend. Anna and I got to workout with Randy on Saturday, and we both got runs in today. This was a pretty big step to things getting a bit like a stable routine. However as much as we enjoyed this, Champ has slept most of today. I'm sure that will mean that I won't get much sleep tonight. In any case, Anna and I have been taking things day by day and all has been pretty well so far.
Friday, August 17, 2007
it's friday, again
This week has been fairly quiet. Champ and I have spent most of the week at home. I had planned an outing yesterday, but tropical storm Erin, cancelled our plans. We just stayed home and stayed dry. Champ has ventured out of the house a couple of times. He went to mass and lunch on Sunday then he joined Jeff and I on a walk through the neighborhood and to Walgreens. I have to admit we are just settling into our routine here at home and it is nice. Tomorrow will be my first return to working out and I hope to return to running soon.
Keep us in your prayers as Hurricane Dean enters the gulf. I don't really want to evacuate with a newborn.
Keep us in your prayers as Hurricane Dean enters the gulf. I don't really want to evacuate with a newborn.
Friday, August 10, 2007
he's his father
So far the only thing Champ has that remotely resembles me, is his ears. Everything else on his body, head to toe, is Jeff.
Today was our first check-in with the pediatrician. In two weeks he has grown 7/8" and weighs almost a pound more. He is 20-7/8" and 8lbs 1oz. The only thing I told Jeff was I am really glad he came 10 days early. The doctor was most impressed as most infants are just reaching birth weight at 2 weeks. Not our over acheiver. So for all who might be concerned, he is really healthy. Jeff was known to be a chunk as and infant and todler. I am hoping Champ doesn't try and keep up.
He continues to eat and sleep well. We also know all the discharge is going well with plenty of dirty diapers. He continues to confrim everything with his uncanny ability to tinkle everytime his diaper is removed. Oh well, just more laundry...
Today was our first check-in with the pediatrician. In two weeks he has grown 7/8" and weighs almost a pound more. He is 20-7/8" and 8lbs 1oz. The only thing I told Jeff was I am really glad he came 10 days early. The doctor was most impressed as most infants are just reaching birth weight at 2 weeks. Not our over acheiver. So for all who might be concerned, he is really healthy. Jeff was known to be a chunk as and infant and todler. I am hoping Champ doesn't try and keep up.
He continues to eat and sleep well. We also know all the discharge is going well with plenty of dirty diapers. He continues to confrim everything with his uncanny ability to tinkle everytime his diaper is removed. Oh well, just more laundry...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
he's adorable, but i'm partial

This has been a busy week. Jeff has returned to work and my parents have been in town to help ease the transition. I have to say that Champ has been wonderful as an infant. He has remained true to form and continues to wet everything as soon as his diaper is off. We have gone through numerous clothing changes as well as changing pads changes. I think it is all in his effort to protest the most difficult time of his day. We typically change his diaper as he's waking up to make sure he is wide awake for food. He does not cry with a dirty diaper, but attempt to change it and he screams.
Tomorrow we will go to his first pediatrician visit. I can't wait to see how much he has grown in the last two weeks.
I am doing well and all of my clothes are fitting again. My stomach still has a long way to go to regain its previous shape, but the daily improvements keep my spirits up. I am getting a bit stir crazy and can't wait to return to running and working out. Hopefully next week everything will fall into place and Champ and I will make our first visit to the gym.
Attached are some portaits of Champ at 1 week. Today I ordered the birth announcements so hopefully those will be in the mail in the next couple of weeks. Keep a lookout in your mailboxes. If anyone is interested in a print of any of the portaits, please let me know and I will send a print. Images downloaded off of the blog are not at a tremendous resolution.
Here's the little guy...

Thursday, August 2, 2007
baby race, first heat down...
I wanted to post this pic of Champ and his Uncle Beau after his Aunt's very subtle request.
Let me explain the title of this post. When Anna and I got married, Beau made a bold proclamation during his rehearsal dinner toast. Impatiently waiting for a niece or nephew he said "the baby race is on." Of course Christopher (Anna's older brother) jestfully waived his white napkin to concede Beau's race. Well, Anna and I took it serious and after a blistering race pace (not really), Champ has arrived to complete the first heat after a little over 6 yrs of marriage.
Now I have a burning question, after Beau so boldy threw down the gauntlet years ago. Will Uncle Beau try to win heat #2 of the race??? I suppose only time will tell. -jeff
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
the learning curve - steep but fun
As a new father, Champ has been teaching me all kinds of new things, a few of the notables below...
1. If a Dad ever tells me his son has never peed on him, I would tell him he has not been helping his wife near enough. It has only been 4 days; he has gotten me multiple times, the wall in his nursery once, and almost got his picture of Jesus next to the changing table. Anna and I had to draw the line at Jesus, so we employed a new strategically placed washcloth technique that has worked so far.
2. No doubt the enemies of babies and parents everywhere are gas, hunger, being too cold, being too hot, etc...
3. Champ has a vast language of one word "waaaaaaaaaa!" I have learned that this one word can mean many different things:
-"dad, I'm really hungry!"
-"what are you doing?, I'm not hungry, help me get rid of this gas!"
-"don't take my diaper off, it's cold!"
-"okay, this time i've got some gas and i'm hungry. you've got some work to do!"
-"just listen to me for a minute, i've got to work this one out on my own"
The list goes on and on... Anna and I are very blessed though, because he has such a sweet nature. Once you crack the code of his subtle language by noticing the addition things like of a furrowed brow or a very serious look, you can give him the milk or pat on the back he needs. After he gets this he turns into an angelic little sack of potatoes that would sleep through a freight train going by his crib.

So despite a few bouts with gas bubbles, Champ has earned his name in every way. - jeff
1. If a Dad ever tells me his son has never peed on him, I would tell him he has not been helping his wife near enough. It has only been 4 days; he has gotten me multiple times, the wall in his nursery once, and almost got his picture of Jesus next to the changing table. Anna and I had to draw the line at Jesus, so we employed a new strategically placed washcloth technique that has worked so far.
2. No doubt the enemies of babies and parents everywhere are gas, hunger, being too cold, being too hot, etc...
3. Champ has a vast language of one word "waaaaaaaaaa!" I have learned that this one word can mean many different things:
-"dad, I'm really hungry!"
-"what are you doing?, I'm not hungry, help me get rid of this gas!"
-"don't take my diaper off, it's cold!"
-"okay, this time i've got some gas and i'm hungry. you've got some work to do!"
-"just listen to me for a minute, i've got to work this one out on my own"
The list goes on and on... Anna and I are very blessed though, because he has such a sweet nature. Once you crack the code of his subtle language by noticing the addition things like of a furrowed brow or a very serious look, you can give him the milk or pat on the back he needs. After he gets this he turns into an angelic little sack of potatoes that would sleep through a freight train going by his crib.

So despite a few bouts with gas bubbles, Champ has earned his name in every way. - jeff
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