1. If a Dad ever tells me his son has never peed on him, I would tell him he has not been helping his wife near enough. It has only been 4 days; he has gotten me multiple times, the wall in his nursery once, and almost got his picture of Jesus next to the changing table. Anna and I had to draw the line at Jesus, so we employed a new strategically placed washcloth technique that has worked so far.
2. No doubt the enemies of babies and parents everywhere are gas, hunger, being too cold, being too hot, etc...
3. Champ has a vast language of one word "waaaaaaaaaa!" I have learned that this one word can mean many different things:
-"dad, I'm really hungry!"
-"what are you doing?, I'm not hungry, help me get rid of this gas!"
-"don't take my diaper off, it's cold!"
-"okay, this time i've got some gas and i'm hungry. you've got some work to do!"
-"just listen to me for a minute, i've got to work this one out on my own"
The list goes on and on... Anna and I are very blessed though, because he has such a sweet nature. Once you crack the code of his subtle language by noticing the addition things like of a furrowed brow or a very serious look, you can give him the milk or pat on the back he needs. After he gets this he turns into an angelic little sack of potatoes that would sleep through a freight train going by his crib.

So despite a few bouts with gas bubbles, Champ has earned his name in every way. - jeff
Have you guys been taking this baby to the tanning bed? I am jealous of his "tan"!
No, the little guy pretty much came out with a tan. He is already almost as dark as me without having gotten any sun.
Oh yeah! He's going to kill the ladies...
"we drew the line at Jesus"
I laughed out loud at that one!
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