I have mentioned to a few people that Champ happens to have been gifted with the incredibly potent Courville genes. So I have decided to provide evidence. Below is a picture of Jeff, yes that is Jeff, at about 8 weeks of age.

For futher reference here is a picture of Champ...
Well the Courville apple has not fallen far from the tree for the last 3 generations, so I guess there is no reason for that to change now. A fourth has blessed our presence. We must get to thinking, though. Jeff and his father have many names that refer to their pair: goober, Jake... Now we will have to figure out how a third will fit into this. Again, I must be carefull what I say. Years ago, noting that Jeff and his father are eriely similar, I asked my mother-in-law how she survived being married to one and raising another. I figured it has been a fun adventure when she started her answer with a laugh. So now I embark on my own fun adventure.
A little update on Champ, we weighed him last weekend and he has hit the 10 lb mark. He continues to be healthy and eat well. He is controlling his head more, holding it up longer and looking around more. My favorite new learning is that he holds onto my neck when I burp him. Feeling that first bit of a hug melts my heart each time.
Things here have been moving along. Christopher and Ana became our neighbors Tuesday. We are all so excited to have them back and so close. I continue to make to do lists and cross off my accomplishments as they come. Jeff and I have a 3-day weekend together and we are both looking forward to it.
Hey Jeff, nice outfit there, man. ;)
The chin and nose look particularly familiar.
I think all of us who were babies in the late 70s/early 80s would do well to not knock the fashions of other babies of the same era.
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