I also mentioned that Jeff and I went to San Fran. Jeff's best man Brian finally married his long time girlfriend Sarah. The wedding was small as many had to travel cross country to attend. That made it very intimate. The were married outdoors on a jetty into the Bay on the northern side of San Francisco. The backdrop to the wedding was the Golden Gate bridge. The wedding was breath taking. Our entire trip we had amazing weather, clear blue skies with chilly temperatures. We visited with friends, toured the MOMA of SF and ate dim sum in China Town. It was a great trip. All of this was possible thanks to MawMaw and PawPaw who took great care of Champ. They all seemed to enjoy the weekend as much as Jeff and I.
I have been enjoying my last few quiet days at home with Champ. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. We have both enjoyed our time home together. During this time, I think Champ has taught me more that I have taught him. It will always be a time I will remember and cherish.
Here are a few recent pictures for everyone:
Good morning mom...this is how my days start.
As Santa is on his way I wanted to show everyone that it is the simplest things in life that keep me entertained, an energy bar wrapper and my toes.
I need to see this kind of cuteness in person.
He really is a charmer. I'm scared of all the craziness he will get away with because of his smile! -jeff
For sure, this guy has star quality.
P.S. You'll have to post a review of the Element, it's been on my list of potential new vehicles.
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