Happy St. Patrick's to all! (and happy birthday to mawmaw!)
It has been an eventful weekend...asian fish market, boiled crawfish with an ear infection for added memories. Jeff needs to elaborate on the first couple as only he could do them justice. We did find live crawfish in Houston and Jeff, with his new rig, treated us all to a great dinner. We had a couple of couples over for an evening that for a moment allowed us all to feel like we were back in the great state of louisiana.
Champ had the return of his ear infection, but visited the doctor this morning and the antibiotics are already working their magic. He is having a bit of a rough time, though. He has his poor ear infection, but he is also teething and he is outgrowing his pacifier. He is making it through and my little chunk weighed in today at 17 lbs 10 oz.
Sounds like y'all had a good weekend. Looking forward to the next time all of our busy schedules can align!
Hi Jeff, Anna, & Champ:
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a great day! It was good hearing from you all. Champ, you look like such a darling little leprechaun, Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw love you so much! I am glad to hear you are feeling better and pray you stay well. Hope to see you all soon.
Love, Maw-Maw
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