Wednesday, April 1, 2009

well, they're not modest

I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second child. At this point, if the child cooperates, the sex of the child can be seen on the ultrasound. Well, my children are proving to not to be as soon as the doctor started up the ultrasound it was clear...a boy. Just like Champ, legs spread wide and a clear view. Everything else at the appointment went well. He is growing and everything looks really normal. I am feeling fine and enjoying the energy of the 2nd trimester.

I had a feeling years ago that I would have 2 little boys spaced about 2 years apart. It's funny how those premonitions work out. I am so exited to have all the boys in my home. My mom always tells this story about me and some things just never change...Many years ago when I was in Kindergarten, my mom brought me to a birthday party for a classmate. Upon arriving she noticed she had the only child in pig tails with all the rest of attendees and birthday boy being male. She also thought it funny, as she sat with the other moms and pointed out her child was the lone girl, the mothers all proceeded to comment that I was their son's girlfriend. God knows me and he only give me what I can handle.

The first question the doctor asked was what his name was going to, we haven't picked a name yet and in fact have barely discussed it. I will warn all to not get their hopes up. Jeff and I enjoyed keeping Champ's name private until his arrival was announced. We really enjoyed that secret and hope to do the same with this little guy.

Champ joined us at the doctor's and he clearly identified the baby on the screen. When we said the baby is in mommy's belly, he grabbed his belly, looked down and seemed puzzled. He will figure it all out in good time.

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