Tuesday, October 2, 2007

huge milestone

I never though I would be so happy to wake up at 5 am. Last night the entire family went to bed at 10:30 and I am the first one to wake up this morning. Yes, Champ slept through the night, his first time. I don't think I can fully describe my excitement. I know that this occurance may not be regular for quite some time, but for this morning I am enjoying it for all that it is worth.

I have learned many lessons with a new child. The latest of which, is that a new mother's most valuable resource is another mother with a child about 1 year older. This can't be just any other mother, no she must be someone close to you that you can ask anything, and I mean anything. There are so many details that come with a new baby and all the books attempt to be complete "owner's manuals" but all fall short of the wisdom of a mom. For all of this, I owe a huge thank you to Carla. My wonderful nights sleep is all thanks to you.

Just catching up on other stuff...last weekend was pretty quiet. The lesson of that weekend was in football. If you are going to look bad, just be greatful when everyone else looks worse. LSU owes a huge thanks to all of the other teams who lost or nearly lost.

Another wondeful occurance was I am learning just how small of a town Houston can be. This weekend Jeff was sitting in the front window of the house, talking on the phone. To his surprise, he saw Christopher and Ana walking down the street. He waved them in and we had a nice visit and offered a bathroom and water stop. It's so nice to feel like you live in Mayberry.


Unknown said...

So I guess you tried the little trick we talked about. Isn't it amazing how something so small can make such a big difference! Well I am thrilled that Champ is comfortable and Mom and Dad got some sleep. I know how valuable that can be, it's like winning the Lottery! We are glad to help, call anytime..Carla

Taylor said...

It always freaked people out when I told them that I lived so close to such a large number of my relatives growing up. And I'm talking measuring in blocks, not miles.

It was weird moments like that where you just happen to say hi, or you can quickly go and pick something up that make it nice.

I don't foresee that ever really happening to us, but I definitely appreciate where you're coming from in that regard... I miss it at times.