However, I knew he was a true Tiger fan when I saw his reaction to the LSU loss to Kentucky yesterday. He wasn't very happy about the two shots from the doctor, but the Champion came out in him as he threw an arm/leg flailing, crying fit after the heartbreaking loss. It was touch and go for a while, but after a couple of bottles (of milk!) he calmed down.
Of course, Anna and I weren't in much better of a mood. I understand that sometimes your opponent is just the better team on that given day, but the Tigers made lots of terrible mental mistakes at critical times giving up tons of yards in penalties. I think this is what made me frustrated the most. Oh well, I guess we will forgive them if they beat Auburn next week.
I went for a ride this afternoon for the first time in a while. I was trying to take advantage of the awesome weather we've been having. Of course I found some rain on the ride, and it was the kind of shower that wet the road enough to make it very slick. After remembering a few of the spectacular crashes I saw during the Tour in the rain, I decided to stop and let a bit of air out of the tires. I don't mind a little more tire area on a rainy day! Besides being a bit damp, I felt better than expected.
I signed up for the MS150 this year after my 2 year break from the event. Taylor gave me a bit of coaxing, and we both think it will be a good event to do before doing Cheaha again this year. I'd like to try to keep up with riding through the fall and winter to prep for the ridiculous miles and miles of sawtooth climbs at Cheaha. Well, I hear it is about time for me to quit babbling and go help Anna with the Champ.
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