Well not exactly, but the printer did. Recently I have begun planning a birthday party. Yes, Champ will be turning 1 in just a few weeks. As a parent I am feeling the responsibility to plan the great celebration of him. I know that this party is more for the adults than Champ himself, but I do not want his birthday party to "impact" him. By "impact" I mean, I don't want to overwhelm him, scare him or disturb his sleep patterns. This is a hard task with such a young child. So taking this all into account the planning has begun and is still some distance from being finalized.
So to start a party, what is needed...invitations. So I started looking for invitations and decided on one last weekend. Working full time and caring for an infant leaves few moments to do extra tasks, like printing invitations. Jeff, graciously, took Champ to the grocery store so that I could have some quiet time. After fighting with Word for an hour I was at the point of trial printing when the boys arrived home. My project went on hold until Champ fell asleep. After a great deal of time printing on paper cutouts to the dimension of the invitations and envelopes, everything was ready. One at a time I fed the envelopes into the printer...one good, two good, three good, four a little crinkled, five jam, six jam. Once the printer started jamming, the trouble shooting began that led to a ripped envelope. Jeff intervened when the Champion(my genes)temper roared in and I think some banging became involved. He took over printed a couple successfully then his jamming session began. Since then the printer and us have been in timeout.
The little things can be so frustrating. With limited time, I have only printed return address on a handful of invitations. So I am faced with the decision to attempt the invitations themselves, hand write everything or return to the store for more invitations. How do such simple things become such large productions?
So the party planning is ongoing, but currently at roadblock. When I have more time, I will again return to my struggle with the printer. So you see...the printer did eat my homework.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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As a tech writer, I have to deal with printers on an all-too-often basis. The more advanced the printer, the worse the job tends to be. If I have to print many copies of a large, collated, double-sided document with complex art in it, I say many prayers because when the thing jams, it is unbelievably hard to get it fixed. All the levers and panels and buttons (labeled A through GG) are nearly impossible to locate and extricate.
However, I've never "pulled a Nigel," named after our Section Manager, who after becoming impatient with the printer, started pulling on the pages as they came out the printer to "speed it up," thereby jamming it, so then pulled off his shoe and started beating a printer with it.
I know this is about 3 weeks too late, but Beau and I have a graphic-designer friend, Miranda, who has made invitations for us in the past, and then all you have to do is bring them to a Kinkos to get printed and cut. That way, it's the people at kinkos fighting with it, and not you. I'm sure she'd help you out if you ever need.
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