Thursday, July 31, 2008

last minute courvilles

The Champ marked the big 1 year birthday! He turned 1 on Sunday and celebrated with family. The will be a further post that chronicles the details of his day and celebration, and this post will set the context.

So the printer at the envelopes...and I didn't get back to fight with it. I have to admit I attempt to keep some old-timey things going, such as send out invitations by mail. Well with Champ and the time crunch of life, this is becoming increasingly more difficult and impossible. Since the printer didn't work, I went more high tech and scanned the invitation, edited it in powerpoint and emailed it the last minute. Well on Friday with the party planned for Saturday morning. A couple of computer glitches later, the invitees were actually able to see the invitation. This was to set the tone for my little man celebrating year 1.

The other last minute Courville, would have to be Champ. He has been drinking water from a sippy cup on a regular basis, but he refused milk. With the doctor's visit last week, I asked him about the timing to take bottles away from Champ. He said now, at a year. He said cold turkey, he'll learn. It might take two weeks, but he will figure out that you are not giving in. As the great parents we are, we decided to wait for this transition until after his birthday and our return home. I guess Champ was listening. Saturday morning, with his blueberry pancakes, he drank milk from a cup. Not only drank, but chugged. From that moment forward, he has not touched a bottle. He quit cold turkey when he was ready. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does. He is more like Jeff and I on a daily basis.

Life has gotten simpler in ways. Jeff and I don't have to wash and sterilize the many pieces to bottles regularly. Champ eats completely from the school menu and no more formula to purchase. He is just getting more independent...I am just bracing myself for when he figures out the walking thing.

I do leave the story incomplete...but pictures from the big day will soon be posted.


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