Wednesday, July 2, 2008

He has turned around

Champ got a new car seat last week and yesterday we spun it to face forward. He now gets in the car willingly and greets a smile from the front seat with one of his own. It's a lot of fun. He even joins in the conversation with lively interjections. Our family commutes will never be the same.

The little man is quickly on the move now. He is standing whenever possible. Last night he even figure out how to open a cabinet with it's handle while standing. (The other hand was securely fastened to a shelf, stabilizing himself.) Well, as his good Cajun genes would dictate, the first thing he got a hold of was cayenne pepper. It was a new jar with lid tight, so he didn't yet get a taste. I told him, get into that and you will learn a serious lesson.

Jeff and I are doing well and actually enjoying working on a project together. It never ceases to amaze me how great of a team we make. Seven years on and not enough to go...


Taylor said...

So how closely do y'all actually work together on a day by day basis?

Jeff and Anna said...

We are on the same project, just report to different bosses. Commonly we are in the same meeting. I am responsible for the well, Jeff covers the equipment that connects it to the platform...fairly closely.