Things here have been going well. We have been busy enjoying visits by both Honey and Budman as well as Mawmaw and Pawpaw. We are all grateful for the help with the boys as well as the food.
Champ has been teaching us what being two means. We expected the trials, tantrums and growing vocabulary. All of that has gone just as expected. Our discipline must be working as Champ realizes that the tone of voice and counting to 3 means he is pushing the limits and he needs to comply or something un-fun will follow. He responds really well.
Something quirky has been going on for the last 6 weeks or so...our wonderful sleeper vanished. He fought naps, bedtimes and even the start of the evening routine. I invested in a book and tried some of its tips. Champ started to sleep better, but insisted on sleeping on the floor, not in his bed. We even asked the pediatrician about his quirky behavior. He reassured us it was a phase that would go when Champ realized his bed was much more comfortable. Well Champ took a 2 hour nap Sunday and has slept in his bed for 2 full nights. I just wonder what is around the next corner...
Rome has been a great baby doing all he is supposed to do: eat, sleep and dirty lots of diapers. He gives us good and bad nights and last night was great. He is just 3 weeks old, but I fed him at midnight and proceeded to sleep until 7 am. I hope we can start stringing some of those nights together.
For what everyone has been waiting for...the picture. Here are the boys from Saturday morning. I love the look on Champ's face.

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