Jeff and I have always attended mass as a family, for the past year that has included one more. Champ is at the age where he doesn't sit still for long, doesn't understand when to "talk" and so forth. Mass has become a bit of physical and mental gymnastics. First we try to formulate small, quiet distractions that will keep him entertained while seated. There is only so much you can do with books, a string of Mardi Gras beads and so forth. Then as he squirms the physicality comes in as it takes all you have to keep him from flying over the pew into the people in front of you, or darting into the aisle.
Well last night he added a new complexity, an upset stomach. Poor Champ began emptying his stomach right in the middle of the Eucharistic prayer. All over all three of us. (As children get bigger, everything about them gets bigger.) I tried my best to wipe everything down with wet wipes and Jeff took him to the bathroom. After signaling the usher that our pew needed attention after mass, I found Jeff and Champ huddled in the back of Church. Poor Jeff was frustrated that we live in a very large affluent parish and they failed to stock the bathroom with hand towels. We don't usually skip out of Church following communion, but we figured God understands. Champ was taken home, stripped, and washed from head to toe.
As an update, he didn't have a good evening, but woke up this morning thirsty and hungry. He is keeping down water and Cheerios so food will be re-introduced slowly.
every day...adventure.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
flag on the play
Happy Halloween to everyone. This post is a day late, but many know why. Yesterday was one of those days where all of the balls I am juggling fell squarely on my head.
I woke up with a swollen eye. So I spent my day getting an appointment, seeing the doctor and getting that fixed. On top of the eye, I am battling a cold. ugh. I am supposed to be on a plane right now to New Orleans, but I am here on the couch. A combination of the contagious eye, inability to wear contacts and going offshore just fell apart. The silver lining on the cloud, is that I am here with my boys for extra days.
Now for the real reason everyone checks our site, the Champ. This year's halloween costume was inspired by last year's. I again made the costume myself and I am improving. Last year I made the costume the morning of Halloween, this year the night before...small steps, but forward steps none the less.
For a reminder, last year Champ made the perfect football.
This year, he again remained in the football theme, but as a referee. He was the only referee in his whole school. The setting for the pictures is the school courtyard. Last week all of the children were given pumpkin seeds to sprinkle on the ground and make wishes. Following their afternoon nap, the yard was filled with magic pumpkins that their wishes had brought. So Champ is sitting in the "magic" pumpkin patch.
This is the trick-or-treating picture from school. All of the children were loaded up and escorted through the building for goodies. Champ liked the fruit chews.
I have to admit, my goal will be that he always has as unique of a costume at this year. This week Jeff even began thinking of his costume for next will likely only get more unique from here.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
too much to little time
Being a working parent, I think the above will be my mantra for the next several years. I now have to prioritize the lists, just do what is possible and beg forgiveness on the rest.
So it's been a long time since I have updated the blog. Many first going on in the Courville household, Champ's first steps, first words and so forth. Champ is becoming more and more expressive and can still capture my heart with the warmest hug. Now he can just beam a smile from across the room and waddle up and throw his arms around my neck. That pretty much fixes anything that is wrong in the world.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
alive and well...but out of power
It has been quite a while since a post, but with good reason. Houston finally took a direct hit from a hurricane and fortunately it was only a category 2. But that much wind can cause lots of disruption in a city. We left town and decided to brave the storm further inland. According to stories, though, the eye of the storm passed directly over our home. No damage, fortunately, just had to empty the contents of the refrigerators and freezers. As the city is still putting the pieces back together, we are still refugees. Without power, there isn't much for us at home. We are working remotely and making lemonade with the lemons.
As I know everyone like a good picture of the Champ, attached is my most recent favorite. This was taken while we were housing Gustav evacuees, enjoy...
As I know everyone like a good picture of the Champ, attached is my most recent favorite. This was taken while we were housing Gustav evacuees, enjoy...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
the aftermath
As Hurricane Gustav just recently passed through South Louisiana, I am very grateful that all of our families are safe. I did not experience Gustav intimately, but living through a hurricane is truly memory creating. The weather itself is only one piece of the equation. The rest is much more colorful including extended family all huddled in one home. Everyone gets quality time together but cabin fever does set it. It is especially interesting considering that it is September in south Louisiana and there is no power. My memories from Andrew years ago are fresh in my mind of working for hours to clean up our yard, then each of the grandmothers and neighbors and so forth only to enter a hot, dark house and have a cold shower. Cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer were another unforgotten moment, I can still see these peas that were in the refrigerator going into the large garbage can placed in the middle of the kitchen. It was not a pretty sight or smell.
Through all of this recollecting, I would just like everyone in the path of this storm to know that my thoughts and prayers are still with you all. There is still far to go, but somehow the world seems a little brighter on the other side.
Through all of this recollecting, I would just like everyone in the path of this storm to know that my thoughts and prayers are still with you all. There is still far to go, but somehow the world seems a little brighter on the other side.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
getting into trouble
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
the jet setter
Today was an interesting day. I have been planning to travel offshore for some planned work on our offshore platform. All of the company can see Gustav entering the Gulf, but they said head out there and we will make a decision Thursday. Well, the decision to hold off the work happened at 8:58 am. That was 2 minutes prior to my 9 am take off and about 2 minutes after I had turned off my cell phone for the flight to New Orleans. As I was picking up my bag from luggage claim, my colleague was calling to say the trip was off, he too was in N.O. and had already secured a flight home.
I walked to the ticketing desk and had to rearrange my flight. The sweet Southwest attendant asked, did you miss your flight this morning, I said no I took it, that is why I am here. She curiously asked and you want to get back on a plane? Yep that is right I came to NOLA to see the airport for 2 hours then return promptly to the planet Houston. Fun day, but both of my flights were on time, no beats sitting in the office all day.
Well, I am home, safe and sound. Now I get to kiss both of my boys goodnight.
I walked to the ticketing desk and had to rearrange my flight. The sweet Southwest attendant asked, did you miss your flight this morning, I said no I took it, that is why I am here. She curiously asked and you want to get back on a plane? Yep that is right I came to NOLA to see the airport for 2 hours then return promptly to the planet Houston. Fun day, but both of my flights were on time, no beats sitting in the office all day.
Well, I am home, safe and sound. Now I get to kiss both of my boys goodnight.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wow, what a year!
Okay, so this is way late but happy birthday to Champ!
I have been horrible about finishing this post, so I just decided to let the pictures do most of the storytelling...
It has been an amazing, educating, eventful, (you get the idea) year... Champ has grown up a lot. I still have fond memories of him laying in the palm of my hand.

Obviously he has changed quite a bit, and I would never get him to sit still enough for that picture again. He has taught me so much over the last year. He is such a joy to watch develop, and I thank God everyday for blessing Anna and I with the pleasure of raising him.
Champ had an awesome poolside bash at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house in Lafayette. All had a good time, and we took the traditional pictures of him to record the event...
The cake

Champ preparing to pounce

Champ with cake beard

The little guy enjoying his new birthday throne

We love you Champ! I wanted to share some of these images with all of you who are in love with the Champ as well.
I have been horrible about finishing this post, so I just decided to let the pictures do most of the storytelling...
It has been an amazing, educating, eventful, (you get the idea) year... Champ has grown up a lot. I still have fond memories of him laying in the palm of my hand.
Obviously he has changed quite a bit, and I would never get him to sit still enough for that picture again. He has taught me so much over the last year. He is such a joy to watch develop, and I thank God everyday for blessing Anna and I with the pleasure of raising him.
Champ had an awesome poolside bash at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house in Lafayette. All had a good time, and we took the traditional pictures of him to record the event...
The cake
Champ preparing to pounce
Champ with cake beard
The little guy enjoying his new birthday throne
We love you Champ! I wanted to share some of these images with all of you who are in love with the Champ as well.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
last minute courvilles
The Champ marked the big 1 year birthday! He turned 1 on Sunday and celebrated with family. The will be a further post that chronicles the details of his day and celebration, and this post will set the context.
So the printer at the envelopes...and I didn't get back to fight with it. I have to admit I attempt to keep some old-timey things going, such as send out invitations by mail. Well with Champ and the time crunch of life, this is becoming increasingly more difficult and impossible. Since the printer didn't work, I went more high tech and scanned the invitation, edited it in powerpoint and emailed it the last minute. Well on Friday with the party planned for Saturday morning. A couple of computer glitches later, the invitees were actually able to see the invitation. This was to set the tone for my little man celebrating year 1.

The other last minute Courville, would have to be Champ. He has been drinking water from a sippy cup on a regular basis, but he refused milk. With the doctor's visit last week, I asked him about the timing to take bottles away from Champ. He said now, at a year. He said cold turkey, he'll learn. It might take two weeks, but he will figure out that you are not giving in. As the great parents we are, we decided to wait for this transition until after his birthday and our return home. I guess Champ was listening. Saturday morning, with his blueberry pancakes, he drank milk from a cup. Not only drank, but chugged. From that moment forward, he has not touched a bottle. He quit cold turkey when he was ready. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does. He is more like Jeff and I on a daily basis.
Life has gotten simpler in ways. Jeff and I don't have to wash and sterilize the many pieces to bottles regularly. Champ eats completely from the school menu and no more formula to purchase. He is just getting more independent...I am just bracing myself for when he figures out the walking thing.
I do leave the story incomplete...but pictures from the big day will soon be posted.
So the printer at the envelopes...and I didn't get back to fight with it. I have to admit I attempt to keep some old-timey things going, such as send out invitations by mail. Well with Champ and the time crunch of life, this is becoming increasingly more difficult and impossible. Since the printer didn't work, I went more high tech and scanned the invitation, edited it in powerpoint and emailed it the last minute. Well on Friday with the party planned for Saturday morning. A couple of computer glitches later, the invitees were actually able to see the invitation. This was to set the tone for my little man celebrating year 1.

The other last minute Courville, would have to be Champ. He has been drinking water from a sippy cup on a regular basis, but he refused milk. With the doctor's visit last week, I asked him about the timing to take bottles away from Champ. He said now, at a year. He said cold turkey, he'll learn. It might take two weeks, but he will figure out that you are not giving in. As the great parents we are, we decided to wait for this transition until after his birthday and our return home. I guess Champ was listening. Saturday morning, with his blueberry pancakes, he drank milk from a cup. Not only drank, but chugged. From that moment forward, he has not touched a bottle. He quit cold turkey when he was ready. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does. He is more like Jeff and I on a daily basis.
Life has gotten simpler in ways. Jeff and I don't have to wash and sterilize the many pieces to bottles regularly. Champ eats completely from the school menu and no more formula to purchase. He is just getting more independent...I am just bracing myself for when he figures out the walking thing.
I do leave the story incomplete...but pictures from the big day will soon be posted.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
a mother's intuition...
and a great pediatrician. Champ has been battling a cold. Two of his previous colds have migrated to his chest causing coughing and slight wheezing. A week ago Monday, following a trip out of town, We brought Champ to the pediatrician to examine his cold. We had to see the doctor's partner as he was on vacation. I explained over the weekend he had seem to be breathing hard. She reassured me it was just a cold. Well it didn't get better just slightly worse. I was calling my mother to get her to explain the situation with my brother and his wheezing. Something didn't seem right. I tried his inhaler which seemed to help, but we ran out of meds.
Yesterday we brought him back to his doctor. Jeff and I kindly refer the the doctor as the "baby whisperer." The whole time the doctor examined Champ, he sat perfectly still. He smiled and flirted and was amazed by the cord on the stethoscope. No fussing even when prodding his ears and throat. The doc explained that no wheezing is heard during his normal breathing, but babies have one problem. They don't quite understand or respond to "take a deep breath." So in order to make them breathe deep the doctor applied a little pressure to his chest to make him fully exhale and yep, there was the wheezing. He looked at Champ's chart and realizing his birthday was around the corner, promised him to be healthy for the big day.
I explained to the doctor, my "mommy radar" was sensing something last week, but the other doctor had told me everything was alright. He said listen to your intuition, it was right.
The more I visit doctors the more I realize that the good ones are so valuable. I will always hug my loved ones and listen to my gut.
Yesterday we brought him back to his doctor. Jeff and I kindly refer the the doctor as the "baby whisperer." The whole time the doctor examined Champ, he sat perfectly still. He smiled and flirted and was amazed by the cord on the stethoscope. No fussing even when prodding his ears and throat. The doc explained that no wheezing is heard during his normal breathing, but babies have one problem. They don't quite understand or respond to "take a deep breath." So in order to make them breathe deep the doctor applied a little pressure to his chest to make him fully exhale and yep, there was the wheezing. He looked at Champ's chart and realizing his birthday was around the corner, promised him to be healthy for the big day.
I explained to the doctor, my "mommy radar" was sensing something last week, but the other doctor had told me everything was alright. He said listen to your intuition, it was right.
The more I visit doctors the more I realize that the good ones are so valuable. I will always hug my loved ones and listen to my gut.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
the dog ate my homework
Well not exactly, but the printer did. Recently I have begun planning a birthday party. Yes, Champ will be turning 1 in just a few weeks. As a parent I am feeling the responsibility to plan the great celebration of him. I know that this party is more for the adults than Champ himself, but I do not want his birthday party to "impact" him. By "impact" I mean, I don't want to overwhelm him, scare him or disturb his sleep patterns. This is a hard task with such a young child. So taking this all into account the planning has begun and is still some distance from being finalized.
So to start a party, what is needed...invitations. So I started looking for invitations and decided on one last weekend. Working full time and caring for an infant leaves few moments to do extra tasks, like printing invitations. Jeff, graciously, took Champ to the grocery store so that I could have some quiet time. After fighting with Word for an hour I was at the point of trial printing when the boys arrived home. My project went on hold until Champ fell asleep. After a great deal of time printing on paper cutouts to the dimension of the invitations and envelopes, everything was ready. One at a time I fed the envelopes into the good, two good, three good, four a little crinkled, five jam, six jam. Once the printer started jamming, the trouble shooting began that led to a ripped envelope. Jeff intervened when the Champion(my genes)temper roared in and I think some banging became involved. He took over printed a couple successfully then his jamming session began. Since then the printer and us have been in timeout.
The little things can be so frustrating. With limited time, I have only printed return address on a handful of invitations. So I am faced with the decision to attempt the invitations themselves, hand write everything or return to the store for more invitations. How do such simple things become such large productions?
So the party planning is ongoing, but currently at roadblock. When I have more time, I will again return to my struggle with the printer. So you see...the printer did eat my homework.
So to start a party, what is needed...invitations. So I started looking for invitations and decided on one last weekend. Working full time and caring for an infant leaves few moments to do extra tasks, like printing invitations. Jeff, graciously, took Champ to the grocery store so that I could have some quiet time. After fighting with Word for an hour I was at the point of trial printing when the boys arrived home. My project went on hold until Champ fell asleep. After a great deal of time printing on paper cutouts to the dimension of the invitations and envelopes, everything was ready. One at a time I fed the envelopes into the good, two good, three good, four a little crinkled, five jam, six jam. Once the printer started jamming, the trouble shooting began that led to a ripped envelope. Jeff intervened when the Champion(my genes)temper roared in and I think some banging became involved. He took over printed a couple successfully then his jamming session began. Since then the printer and us have been in timeout.
The little things can be so frustrating. With limited time, I have only printed return address on a handful of invitations. So I am faced with the decision to attempt the invitations themselves, hand write everything or return to the store for more invitations. How do such simple things become such large productions?
So the party planning is ongoing, but currently at roadblock. When I have more time, I will again return to my struggle with the printer. So you see...the printer did eat my homework.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
He has turned around
Champ got a new car seat last week and yesterday we spun it to face forward. He now gets in the car willingly and greets a smile from the front seat with one of his own. It's a lot of fun. He even joins in the conversation with lively interjections. Our family commutes will never be the same.
The little man is quickly on the move now. He is standing whenever possible. Last night he even figure out how to open a cabinet with it's handle while standing. (The other hand was securely fastened to a shelf, stabilizing himself.) Well, as his good Cajun genes would dictate, the first thing he got a hold of was cayenne pepper. It was a new jar with lid tight, so he didn't yet get a taste. I told him, get into that and you will learn a serious lesson.
Jeff and I are doing well and actually enjoying working on a project together. It never ceases to amaze me how great of a team we make. Seven years on and not enough to go...
The little man is quickly on the move now. He is standing whenever possible. Last night he even figure out how to open a cabinet with it's handle while standing. (The other hand was securely fastened to a shelf, stabilizing himself.) Well, as his good Cajun genes would dictate, the first thing he got a hold of was cayenne pepper. It was a new jar with lid tight, so he didn't yet get a taste. I told him, get into that and you will learn a serious lesson.
Jeff and I are doing well and actually enjoying working on a project together. It never ceases to amaze me how great of a team we make. Seven years on and not enough to go...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
on the move
Champ has gone to sleep, however he didn't go down without a fight. I finally got the chance to download the pictures from my camera so attached are some long overdue pictures of the little guy.
Friday night. Friday night has become a bit of a ritual here. With family so close, we have a standing Friday night visit. This invitation is casual, at best, and involves drinking beer, eating dinner and usually watching whatever Bravo reality show we are following at the time. A couple of weeks ago we were all having a relaxing end to the week and Champ as always was joining in the conversation over dinner. Note: the attire was chosen to show his support for the baseball team, who was in the regional at the time.

Following dinner we were cleaning up in the kitchen. Champ was playing on the ground under our feet. Up to this point, he could "worm" his way around on his belly, but if he got to his knees, he would just rock. That night, with an audience, he started to shuffle his knees under him. As the great parents that we are, we pulled out the camera and egged him on to keep trying the new moves. Champ did learn to crawl and he hasn't slowed down since.

Well the night was so much work, he ended it as only he knew how.

Hope everyone has enjoyed the story of how the crawling began and the photos that accompany it. We have had a relaxing weekend after working for the past 2 weeks straight (including the weekend). Now to get ready for the next one...
Friday night. Friday night has become a bit of a ritual here. With family so close, we have a standing Friday night visit. This invitation is casual, at best, and involves drinking beer, eating dinner and usually watching whatever Bravo reality show we are following at the time. A couple of weeks ago we were all having a relaxing end to the week and Champ as always was joining in the conversation over dinner. Note: the attire was chosen to show his support for the baseball team, who was in the regional at the time.
Following dinner we were cleaning up in the kitchen. Champ was playing on the ground under our feet. Up to this point, he could "worm" his way around on his belly, but if he got to his knees, he would just rock. That night, with an audience, he started to shuffle his knees under him. As the great parents that we are, we pulled out the camera and egged him on to keep trying the new moves. Champ did learn to crawl and he hasn't slowed down since.
Well the night was so much work, he ended it as only he knew how.
Hope everyone has enjoyed the story of how the crawling began and the photos that accompany it. We have had a relaxing weekend after working for the past 2 weeks straight (including the weekend). Now to get ready for the next one...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Cooperation" is a word that Champ, as a 10 month old, does not understand. I have many great new pictures that I have the greatest of intentions to post, but when the little guy decides not to go to bed, my nights quickly disappear.
He is crawling proficiently now. Last night he was even happily playing with canned goods on the floor of the kitchen, when I slipped into the den to complete a couple of things for work. A few minutes later I guess he realized I wasn't there. I heard him start to make noise. I called to him and told him to come find me. I continued to talk to him as I heard his hands slapping the ground. Soon, a little head peered around the corner. He smiled and crawled to me.
As he grows, each development brings new challenges and eases. He is mobile, so I have to watch him a bit closer, but he can now also move to what he wants. This brings a new level of communication for him. It is great getting to know him more each day.
So I do promise pictures, but Champ will have to give me some time to do it. Pray for sleep.
He is crawling proficiently now. Last night he was even happily playing with canned goods on the floor of the kitchen, when I slipped into the den to complete a couple of things for work. A few minutes later I guess he realized I wasn't there. I heard him start to make noise. I called to him and told him to come find me. I continued to talk to him as I heard his hands slapping the ground. Soon, a little head peered around the corner. He smiled and crawled to me.
As he grows, each development brings new challenges and eases. He is mobile, so I have to watch him a bit closer, but he can now also move to what he wants. This brings a new level of communication for him. It is great getting to know him more each day.
So I do promise pictures, but Champ will have to give me some time to do it. Pray for sleep.
Monday, June 16, 2008
God has a greater plan
While the title is always true, I discovered something new this weekend. Let me start at the beginning...According to my mother, I used to sing myself to sleep as an infant. Before I could walk or talk, I would sing. Well that love and talent for singing only grew as I did. One of my favorite activities as a child was to sing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" with my mother accompanying me on the piano. I would endlessly sing the songs of "The Little Mermaid," "Aladdin," "Oliver," and such. This all culminated in High School with Choir where I advanced into the Mixed Ensemble group. Following high school, my singing was mostly contained in the car and at Church.
With the arrival of my first child, Champ has also become accustomed to my voice. In fact it was really funny one day. I put on the Dixie Chicks and was singing along. (I will in no way equate my vocal skills to those of Natalie Maines, but I can sing fairly loud.) Champ was rather intrigued as he glanced at me, then the speakers and back and forth trying to figure out how my voice came from both places. I appreciated what I took as a complement.
So, on the the volume of my voice. I have now found the importance of it. It is the only thing that is louder than a child's full out, pitching-a-fit cry. Champ had one of those moments yesterday morning. He was a grump and got a bee in his bonnet and it only escalated from there. He was inconsolable. I was admittedly at a loss as what to do. So I took a cue from my brother-in-law. I have seen him subdue and calm his son by holding him firmly and rocking him. So I grabbed Champ and sat in the rocker in his room. It took me a minute to get him in a tight hold (the little bugger is strong). I laid my head back on the chair, closed my eyes and started with Amazing Grace. I got through about a verse and a half, before he first quieted to listened. Well I sung the only 3 verses I could remember over and over. He finally calmed then crashed. Little thing just slept in my arms. By that point it was something we both needed.
I am just so grateful for my singing talent. It will never be too much, but it can relax and calm my son when he needs it the most.
With the arrival of my first child, Champ has also become accustomed to my voice. In fact it was really funny one day. I put on the Dixie Chicks and was singing along. (I will in no way equate my vocal skills to those of Natalie Maines, but I can sing fairly loud.) Champ was rather intrigued as he glanced at me, then the speakers and back and forth trying to figure out how my voice came from both places. I appreciated what I took as a complement.
So, on the the volume of my voice. I have now found the importance of it. It is the only thing that is louder than a child's full out, pitching-a-fit cry. Champ had one of those moments yesterday morning. He was a grump and got a bee in his bonnet and it only escalated from there. He was inconsolable. I was admittedly at a loss as what to do. So I took a cue from my brother-in-law. I have seen him subdue and calm his son by holding him firmly and rocking him. So I grabbed Champ and sat in the rocker in his room. It took me a minute to get him in a tight hold (the little bugger is strong). I laid my head back on the chair, closed my eyes and started with Amazing Grace. I got through about a verse and a half, before he first quieted to listened. Well I sung the only 3 verses I could remember over and over. He finally calmed then crashed. Little thing just slept in my arms. By that point it was something we both needed.
I am just so grateful for my singing talent. It will never be too much, but it can relax and calm my son when he needs it the most.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
a sense of normalcy
For the time being, life has quieted. Jeff and I have been enjoying a routine, for a bit, getting consistent about working out and spending time with the Champ.
Last Friday morning, Jeff and I did our first brick work out of 2008. (A brick work out is an endurance work out of more than one activity.) We went to Memorial park, cycled for 30 min then ran for an hour. The short ride was my doing as my and my bike's saddle are not yet in sync with each other. So when the pain got intense I bargained Jeff into a shorter ride and a longer run. Little did I know that the run would develop into a challenge and we finished 6 miles in just under a 9 min/mile pace. I never time myself, so I was proud that I could maintain that pace for so long. Thanks to Ana for watching Champ and allowing us some time together.
Sunday, we finished the weekend in the best way possible, in the pool. Champ happily floated in his new ring, while the rest of us enjoyed a little sun and alcohol. Champ continues to love the water.
Last Friday morning, Jeff and I did our first brick work out of 2008. (A brick work out is an endurance work out of more than one activity.) We went to Memorial park, cycled for 30 min then ran for an hour. The short ride was my doing as my and my bike's saddle are not yet in sync with each other. So when the pain got intense I bargained Jeff into a shorter ride and a longer run. Little did I know that the run would develop into a challenge and we finished 6 miles in just under a 9 min/mile pace. I never time myself, so I was proud that I could maintain that pace for so long. Thanks to Ana for watching Champ and allowing us some time together.
Sunday, we finished the weekend in the best way possible, in the pool. Champ happily floated in his new ring, while the rest of us enjoyed a little sun and alcohol. Champ continues to love the water.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
yoga update
Previously I mentioned that my New Year resolution was to start Yoga as a means to increase my flexibility. My goal was to be able to bend over and place my hands flat on the ground. I did it. In under half a year, I have gone from barely touching my toes, to placing my hands flat on the ground!
I must give credit to my flexible son and (of all things) dancing with the stars. I enjoy watching athletic individuals who can move their bodies as they wish. So I still have a long way to go before I will crown myself "flexible", but it is very nice to see progress. Now, I have to set a new goal.
For all those curious about Yoga...I enjoy the challenge of strength, flexibility and balance all in one. It can not replace either weight training or cardio, but it is a really nice addition. My type A personality has not really taken to the meditation, relaxation and personal motivation. I do peak around the room and compare my skill to those around me. Only I can contort yoga into a competition. It's sad.
In leaving, I like sweet pain.
I must give credit to my flexible son and (of all things) dancing with the stars. I enjoy watching athletic individuals who can move their bodies as they wish. So I still have a long way to go before I will crown myself "flexible", but it is very nice to see progress. Now, I have to set a new goal.
For all those curious about Yoga...I enjoy the challenge of strength, flexibility and balance all in one. It can not replace either weight training or cardio, but it is a really nice addition. My type A personality has not really taken to the meditation, relaxation and personal motivation. I do peak around the room and compare my skill to those around me. Only I can contort yoga into a competition. It's sad.
In leaving, I like sweet pain.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
10 months
Well, the Champ has been in this world 10 months today. Time has flown faster than I could have ever expected it to. He is much more like a toddler now than the infant that I first held.
We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. We all went out for a couple of runs and hosted a small bar-b-que last night. Champ is compliant when outside or surrounded by people. It is amazing to watch a child light up arround others and jabber on for hours as if we all knew of the tales he was sharing.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day.
Mom, can I have a taste...please?
We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. We all went out for a couple of runs and hosted a small bar-b-que last night. Champ is compliant when outside or surrounded by people. It is amazing to watch a child light up arround others and jabber on for hours as if we all knew of the tales he was sharing.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day.
Mom, can I have a taste...please?

Thursday, May 22, 2008
so easy; so hard
Well today has been interesting as a parent. Everyday is different and always something new to be learned. On the way home from work and school, I was watching Champ in the back seat. He was calmly picking the foam from his car seat and eating it. Jeff pulled over and we had to dig the foam out of his cheeks. Who knew car seat stuffing could taste so good.
Tonight though, at dinner, I pull out a sippy cup and he starts fussing as I try to give it to him, As the night wears on we have tried 2 different types of sippy cups, with and without valves and no success. Just back-arching, screaming disapproval. Champ seams to have inherited the hard head. No great surprise as that comes from admittedly both sides of the gene pool. He is nearly 10 months old and not really crawling and still drinking from a bottle. Just like his birth, we are all on his time and he is not in any hurry. I should have known that pre-birth I was learning who he was. I just don't know what joy lies ahead. All I can say is I am not looking forward to potty training.
My child is a charmer, though. He has the most amazing blue eyes with lashes that seem to go on forever. He knows how to use them too. As I mentioned, last weekend we were in Lafayette visiting family. Below are some of the pictures from the weekend. We had an amazing time, thank you all.

Tonight though, at dinner, I pull out a sippy cup and he starts fussing as I try to give it to him, As the night wears on we have tried 2 different types of sippy cups, with and without valves and no success. Just back-arching, screaming disapproval. Champ seams to have inherited the hard head. No great surprise as that comes from admittedly both sides of the gene pool. He is nearly 10 months old and not really crawling and still drinking from a bottle. Just like his birth, we are all on his time and he is not in any hurry. I should have known that pre-birth I was learning who he was. I just don't know what joy lies ahead. All I can say is I am not looking forward to potty training.
My child is a charmer, though. He has the most amazing blue eyes with lashes that seem to go on forever. He knows how to use them too. As I mentioned, last weekend we were in Lafayette visiting family. Below are some of the pictures from the weekend. We had an amazing time, thank you all.
Monday, May 19, 2008
safe journey
We made the trip from Lafayette to Houston without incident and Champ behaved quite well. Just know we had a great weekend and will post soon with more details and images.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
a long day
Champ has come down with the crud again. Jeff and I are convinced the last round of crud never quite healed so this time it flared up with a vengeance. No one in the house slept well last night and the only redeeming thing was a pre-made dr's appointment at 9:15. We arrived early and got in right away. The doctor said he was quite congested, but not too infected (bacteria). She decided to treat this aggressively, which I appreciated. That meant a breathing treatment, shot and lots of meds. At the end of the appointment he fell asleep in my arms. He slept as we checked out, loaded in the car and even dropped his prescriptions off. He continued to sleep long enough to let me eat lunch. He hasn't slept like that since he was a newborn.
Well, we have had a long day as Champ has been understandably grumpy. Now he is on the mend and this time I am not sick with him. This evening we will pack and head to LA tomorrow morning. We are really looking forward to the get-away and lots of visiting.
Well, we have had a long day as Champ has been understandably grumpy. Now he is on the mend and this time I am not sick with him. This evening we will pack and head to LA tomorrow morning. We are really looking forward to the get-away and lots of visiting.
Monday, May 12, 2008
fantastic weekend
This weekend was wonderful. It was my first mother's day and Champ made me a card, gave me an azalea in a pot with his hand prints and the such. We all had a nice time and took care of many errands that needed attention.
One important errand, Champ got his first pair of shoes...the new kicks, a blue pair of sandals. He apparently has inherited the small Champion foot as he is just in a size 2 shoe, smallest made. The sales girl was amazed his foot was so small given his size and age. He investigated them thoroughly and had fun kicking the seat in the car with them.
A highlight, though, was his first really swim. We went to his Aunt and Uncle's and took a nice swim Saturday evening. Champ has an amazing endurance for splashing. The fun wore him out and I would like to share the result with all. Thanks, dad, for the faux hawk.
One important errand, Champ got his first pair of shoes...the new kicks, a blue pair of sandals. He apparently has inherited the small Champion foot as he is just in a size 2 shoe, smallest made. The sales girl was amazed his foot was so small given his size and age. He investigated them thoroughly and had fun kicking the seat in the car with them.
A highlight, though, was his first really swim. We went to his Aunt and Uncle's and took a nice swim Saturday evening. Champ has an amazing endurance for splashing. The fun wore him out and I would like to share the result with all. Thanks, dad, for the faux hawk.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
lots happening and the week still going
This week has been packed with lots of goings on and its still not finished yet. This weekend we had a wonderful visit from Carrie. She and I did some shopping and just great visiting.
Monday, I had a check-up with my nuerologist, and for all of those worried, I am fine. Everything is back to post Champ status.
Tuesday, Jeff and I worked from home and attended OTC. That is the Offshore Technology Conference. I have attended the show a couple of times over the years and it was clear what $100 oil brings. The booths were larger and brighter than I remember. The conference decends on the Relient center and fills the Exhibit hall, the Arena and the outdoor areas in between. We walked and talked for hours and didn't see everything. The oil industry has come along way, but there was alcohol and scanitlly clad women. I even saw a lamborgini being raffled off or something. The weather was nice, but the parking was terrible. Houston doesn't do traffic control well. Jeff and I were debating if it would have been quicker just to walk.
Since OTC was in full swing, Big Jake (Jeff's dad) was here working. We had a great visit and Champ charmed his MawMaw and PawPaw. We gave lots of hugs and kisses goodbuy as we all departed our separate ways this morning.
After Champ's recent visits with both sets of grandparents, I am just waiting to see if either of them are going to try and sneak him away in their luggage. He is adorable. No crawling yet just some backward worming.
So that has been the busy week in a nut shell.
Monday, I had a check-up with my nuerologist, and for all of those worried, I am fine. Everything is back to post Champ status.
Tuesday, Jeff and I worked from home and attended OTC. That is the Offshore Technology Conference. I have attended the show a couple of times over the years and it was clear what $100 oil brings. The booths were larger and brighter than I remember. The conference decends on the Relient center and fills the Exhibit hall, the Arena and the outdoor areas in between. We walked and talked for hours and didn't see everything. The oil industry has come along way, but there was alcohol and scanitlly clad women. I even saw a lamborgini being raffled off or something. The weather was nice, but the parking was terrible. Houston doesn't do traffic control well. Jeff and I were debating if it would have been quicker just to walk.
Since OTC was in full swing, Big Jake (Jeff's dad) was here working. We had a great visit and Champ charmed his MawMaw and PawPaw. We gave lots of hugs and kisses goodbuy as we all departed our separate ways this morning.
After Champ's recent visits with both sets of grandparents, I am just waiting to see if either of them are going to try and sneak him away in their luggage. He is adorable. No crawling yet just some backward worming.
So that has been the busy week in a nut shell.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
new things
As Champ has been placing everyhting in his mouth, I stuck my finger in there to see how the 2 teeth were progressing. To my surprise, tooth #3 has cut the gum. It is a lower tooth next to the two already sprouted. I just hope they keep arriving at a steady pace because he loves to eat, and teeth will help that a great deal.
Hope everyone is haveing a nice day.
Hope everyone is haveing a nice day.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
tour de louisiana
So a post is overdue, especially given recent events.
Tour de Louisiana: Last weekend Jeff and I had work associated events that had us in Houma and New Orleans. We decided to make a trip of it. It all started with great plans...but all should know what happens to the greatest of plans. Jeff traveled to Fouchon for a day trip on Friday. I was going to keep Champ and get us ready for the trip. Well Champ passed a sinus infection to me. I was at the ENT's first thing Friday. Antibiotics are wonderful, but they didn't help me quite fast enough. Champ decided to be particularly cranky and the day went downhill from there. As a visual the afternoon was Champ attempting to crawl on the floor of the den clad only in a diaper. Anyone who knows me, knows that my child clothed in just a diaper is not a good situation. Jeff's work threatened to keep him late, but I warned him that this was not the day for him to be late. Many thanks to Ana and Christopher who came over for our Friday dinner. They cooked a wonderful warm meal that would not have been possible without their help.
Saturday we were supposed to head to LA early, but the morning dwindled to afternoon and a 2:30 start was all we could put together. We arrived in BR for a quick meal, some rest then on to Houma Sunday morning.
The drive to Houma was fun. We were able to travel down LA 1 through many small towns. It was so quaint and made both our hearts yearn for the LA culture we were both raised in. That Sunday morning we passed lots of small towns each with a Catholic Church, some with filled parking lots after a recently concluded Mass. Houma was mostly work, so not too notable. Only one funny story... Sunday evening the meeting attendees split for dinner. We mercilessly picked on the group that chose Outback. Really, who travels to the heart of Louisiana to eat Steak from a chain restaurant? Not us...we ate seafood.
Monday we ventured to NOLA. We just had one quick night, but we stayed in the W. It turned out to be a very smart move. President Bush was in town for a NAFTA summit. All the roads were barricaded. We ditched the car with the hotel valet. We only had one thing on our minds reservations at Restaurant August. For the many who don't know what that means. August is owned by John Besh. John Besh is a Louisiana native getting lots of publication for being one the best chefs in the nation. Just to give an idea of his popularity...since the beginning of the year he has been featured in every magazine I receive...Food and Wine, Cookie, and Better Homes and Gardens.
The restaurant was just across the street, but thanks to W, we had to pass though the state police to get there. The restaurant had to verify we had reservations, then we had to walk past a line of national Guard transport vehicles to get there. I didn't expect that scenery, but its NOLA. The restaurant is fine dining and it didn't disappoint. We even were stated with an amuse bouche and thanks to all my Top Chef watching, I knew what that was. All of the food was local. I tasted my first foam and caviar. I highly recommend the experience to anyone planning a trip in that direction...hopefully you won't need to get through the popo to make your reservation, but if you do, it is worth it. Jeff and I had a truly memorable night and I can't wait for the next excuse to visit NOLA again. (Sorry Champ, you won't be invited anytime soon.)
Tuesday we finished up our work and headed to BR. We picked up the little guy from his Honey who didn't really want to let him go. She told us how much she spoiled him. We really appreciated Honey and BudMan watching the little guy for us. It's amazing with kids, how you enjoy the time without them, but miss them the whole time.
Another post to come with last weekend's events, but this will have to suffice for now.
Champ with Cherie:
Tour de Louisiana: Last weekend Jeff and I had work associated events that had us in Houma and New Orleans. We decided to make a trip of it. It all started with great plans...but all should know what happens to the greatest of plans. Jeff traveled to Fouchon for a day trip on Friday. I was going to keep Champ and get us ready for the trip. Well Champ passed a sinus infection to me. I was at the ENT's first thing Friday. Antibiotics are wonderful, but they didn't help me quite fast enough. Champ decided to be particularly cranky and the day went downhill from there. As a visual the afternoon was Champ attempting to crawl on the floor of the den clad only in a diaper. Anyone who knows me, knows that my child clothed in just a diaper is not a good situation. Jeff's work threatened to keep him late, but I warned him that this was not the day for him to be late. Many thanks to Ana and Christopher who came over for our Friday dinner. They cooked a wonderful warm meal that would not have been possible without their help.
Saturday we were supposed to head to LA early, but the morning dwindled to afternoon and a 2:30 start was all we could put together. We arrived in BR for a quick meal, some rest then on to Houma Sunday morning.
The drive to Houma was fun. We were able to travel down LA 1 through many small towns. It was so quaint and made both our hearts yearn for the LA culture we were both raised in. That Sunday morning we passed lots of small towns each with a Catholic Church, some with filled parking lots after a recently concluded Mass. Houma was mostly work, so not too notable. Only one funny story... Sunday evening the meeting attendees split for dinner. We mercilessly picked on the group that chose Outback. Really, who travels to the heart of Louisiana to eat Steak from a chain restaurant? Not us...we ate seafood.
Monday we ventured to NOLA. We just had one quick night, but we stayed in the W. It turned out to be a very smart move. President Bush was in town for a NAFTA summit. All the roads were barricaded. We ditched the car with the hotel valet. We only had one thing on our minds reservations at Restaurant August. For the many who don't know what that means. August is owned by John Besh. John Besh is a Louisiana native getting lots of publication for being one the best chefs in the nation. Just to give an idea of his popularity...since the beginning of the year he has been featured in every magazine I receive...Food and Wine, Cookie, and Better Homes and Gardens.
The restaurant was just across the street, but thanks to W, we had to pass though the state police to get there. The restaurant had to verify we had reservations, then we had to walk past a line of national Guard transport vehicles to get there. I didn't expect that scenery, but its NOLA. The restaurant is fine dining and it didn't disappoint. We even were stated with an amuse bouche and thanks to all my Top Chef watching, I knew what that was. All of the food was local. I tasted my first foam and caviar. I highly recommend the experience to anyone planning a trip in that direction...hopefully you won't need to get through the popo to make your reservation, but if you do, it is worth it. Jeff and I had a truly memorable night and I can't wait for the next excuse to visit NOLA again. (Sorry Champ, you won't be invited anytime soon.)
Tuesday we finished up our work and headed to BR. We picked up the little guy from his Honey who didn't really want to let him go. She told us how much she spoiled him. We really appreciated Honey and BudMan watching the little guy for us. It's amazing with kids, how you enjoy the time without them, but miss them the whole time.
Another post to come with last weekend's events, but this will have to suffice for now.
Champ with Cherie:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
stay tuned
Jeff, Champ and I returned home safe and sound. I think we all enjoyed sleeping in our beds last night. In short our tour de louisiana was great and filled with some facinating stories. A longer post is planned, but as fate had it I returned to work to face an accelerated project schedule. Must run now, but I promise to write soon.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
We are on the mend...
From the last post, you probably got that we were a bit under the weather. We are all feeling much better now, especially Anna. Champ and I just felt a little cruddy, but she was taking the brunt of whatever that was... She has now been able to eat and venture off the couch (feeling much better).
I have historically been very resistant to getting sick. However Champ has shown me yet another joy of children - smiles, laughter, snuggling up to your shoulder when he's tired, and managing to get his cold germs transfered to you with miraculous efficiency. Although, I'm sure we all did the same for our parents at his age.
I have included some pictures from his 8 month birthday night that I have been trying to post.
He had a bath...

Then he got to walk around outside on my shoulders...

Then after some wind I realized he has my hair!
I have historically been very resistant to getting sick. However Champ has shown me yet another joy of children - smiles, laughter, snuggling up to your shoulder when he's tired, and managing to get his cold germs transfered to you with miraculous efficiency. Although, I'm sure we all did the same for our parents at his age.
I have included some pictures from his 8 month birthday night that I have been trying to post.
He had a bath...
Then he got to walk around outside on my shoulders...
Then after some wind I realized he has my hair!
He continues to be a great kid with a mellow personality. Hope all are doing well. - jeff
Friday, April 4, 2008
a milestone
Well today has been a bit of a dreary day. It all started very early this morning when i woke up with a stomach bug. I have spent most of the day curled up on the couch. Today is not a bad day for that as a front is moving through town and it is rainy outside. Jeff has been a saint taking care of the Champ,,,if you hadn't guessed, I really love him. But on to more important things...
Champ today did a typically Champ thing, he grabbed a hold of my finger and shoved in into his mouth. Normally it's just a gum gnawing, but hurt. Champ has sprouted his first tooth. It is a lower tooth on the right side. My little one is growing up. I have to say this is a very good thing. He has been teething for quite a while with no success. The other main problem is he loves to eat. His diversity in eating has been stymied by his lack of teeth. Until now he could only manage things he could mash with his toothless gums. Teeth will help that process greatly.
I will post a picture in a little while when his teeth are visible. For now it is just a hard white bump I can see when he sits still and lets me look in his mouth, which is not often.
Champ today did a typically Champ thing, he grabbed a hold of my finger and shoved in into his mouth. Normally it's just a gum gnawing, but hurt. Champ has sprouted his first tooth. It is a lower tooth on the right side. My little one is growing up. I have to say this is a very good thing. He has been teething for quite a while with no success. The other main problem is he loves to eat. His diversity in eating has been stymied by his lack of teeth. Until now he could only manage things he could mash with his toothless gums. Teeth will help that process greatly.
I will post a picture in a little while when his teeth are visible. For now it is just a hard white bump I can see when he sits still and lets me look in his mouth, which is not often.
Monday, March 17, 2008
the luck of the irish
well...give me a rainbow, a pot o'gold and call me lucky.

Happy St. Patrick's to all! (and happy birthday to mawmaw!)
It has been an eventful weekend...asian fish market, boiled crawfish with an ear infection for added memories. Jeff needs to elaborate on the first couple as only he could do them justice. We did find live crawfish in Houston and Jeff, with his new rig, treated us all to a great dinner. We had a couple of couples over for an evening that for a moment allowed us all to feel like we were back in the great state of louisiana.
Champ had the return of his ear infection, but visited the doctor this morning and the antibiotics are already working their magic. He is having a bit of a rough time, though. He has his poor ear infection, but he is also teething and he is outgrowing his pacifier. He is making it through and my little chunk weighed in today at 17 lbs 10 oz.
Happy St. Patrick's to all! (and happy birthday to mawmaw!)
It has been an eventful weekend...asian fish market, boiled crawfish with an ear infection for added memories. Jeff needs to elaborate on the first couple as only he could do them justice. We did find live crawfish in Houston and Jeff, with his new rig, treated us all to a great dinner. We had a couple of couples over for an evening that for a moment allowed us all to feel like we were back in the great state of louisiana.
Champ had the return of his ear infection, but visited the doctor this morning and the antibiotics are already working their magic. He is having a bit of a rough time, though. He has his poor ear infection, but he is also teething and he is outgrowing his pacifier. He is making it through and my little chunk weighed in today at 17 lbs 10 oz.
Friday, March 14, 2008
a view from a tall window
Today is a beautiful day; however I watch it from a high window overlooking the congested Katy Freeway. Yes, it is 1:30 and traffic is not moving...typical. I don't want to hear anyone from a small town complain of traffic, when from where I sit, I am 20 miles from the center of town and a 6 lane freeway is crawling at 1:30 on a Friday. I have given up complaining, traffic just is.

The picture below is included to show the resemblance of Champ to his Paw Paw...raising this little one will be fun.

I wish everyone the best Friday possible, please go and enjoy some of this beautiful weather as well.
On to my original point, the weather is amazing and the minutes don't pass quick enough until I can escape to the outdoors and feel the sun and smell the un-airconditioned air. I will take a good, long run and enjoy every minute of it.
I have started again on a new mission this week, flexibility. After watching a 7 month old do all sorts of contortionist movements with his limber body, I am jealous. I don't know if I can regain that flexibility, but I want to be able to bend over and comfortably place my hands on the ground. So I have attended 3 yoga classes this week. I have found yoga to be the perfect lunch workout...get away from a monitor, clear my mind, and not break a sweat. I guess I will see if this hard work pays off. I have a long way to go, one instructor even offered to show me additional stretches after class next week. I need lots of work. All I can say is keep posted, I will either be singing the praises of yoga or I'll have to find something else to get my range of motion back.
What I am sure everyone is looking for...updated pictures of the Champ. He is doing really well: sitting up well on his own, sleeping without a pacifier, and eating like...well his father. He has yet to meet a fruit or vegetable that he doesn't like and he can still drain a bottle at will. He is growing more adorable day by day and charming everyone along the way. Jeff was commenting that he was glad Champ got his sleeping aptitude, and I replied there is not much of me in that child. There isn't...he got my last name, but I think the similarities end there. But I will never complain. I adore my husband I an couldn't have wished my son to turn out any differently. So here is the little, but not so little guy.
The picture below is included to show the resemblance of Champ to his Paw Paw...raising this little one will be fun.
I wish everyone the best Friday possible, please go and enjoy some of this beautiful weather as well.
Friday, February 22, 2008
sorry for the wait
I would like to apologize to everyone for our lack of consistency with new blog postings. We have all been quite busy in the new year adjusting to our new schedules, then I was having to chase problems with the blog and the list goes on and on.
Many thing have been changing as Champ gets older. He is just starting to eat real food, sit-up and even giggle when Jeff zerberts his stomach just the right way. Each of these developments carries stories...
Food: Well, Champ has taken a true interest in food recently. If you are eating in his presence you must endure his eyeing of every morsel you place in your mouth. Yesterday as I picked him up from school, one of his teachers stopped me and said Champ growled at me today. Puzzled, I asked what happened. She went on and said she was snacking on some gold fish and Champ was watching very intently. She told him, Champ you are not quite old enough for goldfish, yet. Well apparently not happy with the response, he growled a reply. Today he ate a very southern lunch of green beans and rice. I was impressed when after eating his bib was as clean as when we started. He didn't miss a drop.
Sitting-up: Champ has just started to sit-up well...but still has some instability. It is very funny to pull him up to a sitting position. When he realizes he is sitting up, he smiles as if he is truly proud of himself. However we must watch closely for he quickly gets distracted, reaches just a little to far for something or just forgets he is sitting up. Then, he tumbles. Padding and a watchful eye are critical.
Giggling: Within the last couple of weeks, Champ has just begun to giggle. Just as he should be winding down for sleep, Jeff gets him smiling by zerberting his tummy. He quickly figured out that Champ has some tickle spots right in his ribs. Champ almost seems like he is holding back his laugh as hard as he can but sometimes it just slips out. It's precious and great to hear.
Today we are all enjoying a Friday home together. Jeff has been taking some recent pictures and I will leave it to him to post them soon.
Our love to everyone.
Many thing have been changing as Champ gets older. He is just starting to eat real food, sit-up and even giggle when Jeff zerberts his stomach just the right way. Each of these developments carries stories...
Food: Well, Champ has taken a true interest in food recently. If you are eating in his presence you must endure his eyeing of every morsel you place in your mouth. Yesterday as I picked him up from school, one of his teachers stopped me and said Champ growled at me today. Puzzled, I asked what happened. She went on and said she was snacking on some gold fish and Champ was watching very intently. She told him, Champ you are not quite old enough for goldfish, yet. Well apparently not happy with the response, he growled a reply. Today he ate a very southern lunch of green beans and rice. I was impressed when after eating his bib was as clean as when we started. He didn't miss a drop.
Sitting-up: Champ has just started to sit-up well...but still has some instability. It is very funny to pull him up to a sitting position. When he realizes he is sitting up, he smiles as if he is truly proud of himself. However we must watch closely for he quickly gets distracted, reaches just a little to far for something or just forgets he is sitting up. Then, he tumbles. Padding and a watchful eye are critical.
Giggling: Within the last couple of weeks, Champ has just begun to giggle. Just as he should be winding down for sleep, Jeff gets him smiling by zerberting his tummy. He quickly figured out that Champ has some tickle spots right in his ribs. Champ almost seems like he is holding back his laugh as hard as he can but sometimes it just slips out. It's precious and great to hear.
Today we are all enjoying a Friday home together. Jeff has been taking some recent pictures and I will leave it to him to post them soon.
Our love to everyone.
Monday, February 11, 2008
6 months and again...
Three shots. Champ visited Dr. Alley today and received a clean bill of health. For 6 months he is 26 in tall (45%), 16 lbs 10 oz (30%) and a round head of 17 in (45%). So he is proving to be consistent in his growth. He also received all of his immunizations remarkably well. He only cried for only a few moments and didn't need anything but some comfort from his Dad.
He is now entertainind himself with some Mardi Gras beads from Honey and letting us get a little work finished.
Just a quick thank you to all of my family as well. It was wonderful to see everyone this weekend and appreciate everyone travelling to visit.
He is now entertainind himself with some Mardi Gras beads from Honey and letting us get a little work finished.
Just a quick thank you to all of my family as well. It was wonderful to see everyone this weekend and appreciate everyone travelling to visit.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
and the champagne flowed...
Yes, we arrived to work late today after celebrating a spectacular LSU National Championship. Yesterday was my first full day of work after returning from maternity leave and there is no better way to celebrate that than with friends at a football game. I am always greatful and proud to be from Louisiana, but glowing national victories last night always put a little more swagger in my step. I am enjoying the floating feeling for the time. I love the Tigers and it is so wonderful to see all those boys enjoying their hardwork paying off.
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