So the house is in the option period and inspections are on going. All of the paperwork was signed Sunday and closing has been set for November. Today we had electrical, mechanical and structural inspections. Most things look good with some normal wear and tear one would expect. Tomorrow the plumbing will be checked and then we just talk to the homeowners on how to proceed to closing.
I was busy during the inspection chasing the Champ and picking out paint colors. Currently I am leaning toward a warm neutral that will bounce the light around from the great windows. Most of the living area in the home will likely be repainted. I just need some help from my artist sister-in-law with the color selections then we should be finished with that.
If all goes to plan, we will close on the house prior to Thanksgiving. Attack the painting the week of Thanksgiving then move in December. That way my Christmas decorations can just stay out and get hung up when we move in. I am really looking forward to Christmas in my new home.
The boys are doing well. Champ stayed home today with a mystery fever from yesterday, but he is showing no other signs of illness and the fever has not returned, all good news. Rome is sleeping well with going at least 3 hours between feedings at night.
We are still keeping our fingers crossed with the house, but it looks very promising.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
i don't have to cry
I must tell a little history to explain...Jeff and I quickly toured our current home and leased it 3-1/2 years ago when we sold our home in the suburbs and moved into the city. Life inside the loop has been fantastic. I have truly come to love my running route on crushed granite, under a tree lined trail. I love that Walgreen's is less than a block away and I can walk there. Many a time with a sick Champ we have gone for a walk to pick up a prescription. The walk alone calms and quiets him. We also live walking distance from great shopping and dining. I always love on a nice evening to walk and grab a bite to eat. I never thought that was possible especially in such a large city. This doesn't even account for the fantastic church parish we live in or that I have family within blocks. All this said, one day driving home I told Jeff I will cry when we move. I love this location so much and will never be able to replicate it. I know we live in a leased house and I knew the day would come to move and I just knew I would cry.
Many of our family know that we have had discussions with the owner of our home about purchasing it. The negotiations for that fell apart this summer when he decided he didn't want to sell it at that time. Jeff and I were confused and a little disappointed, but we both had faith in God that He would lead us where He needed. Not exactly sure where that was but we both had lots of peace.
In the mean time, we took the opportunity to walk through some open houses and check out the nearby areas for comps and availability. Most of our adventures taught me 2 things...first, I love this location; second, I hadn't seen a house that really fit us.
A little over a month ago, Jeff saw a house come up for sale when he was taking Champ to the park. That weekend they had an open house and we walked over. Having been to a lot of these, Jeff and I were surprised that we didn't unlike the house. The price was above what we had budgeted and I was really pregnant with Rome. We knew the house was pricey but nice and thought it would sell quickly. To our surprise it stayed on the market. Just Monday, Jeff bumped into a realtor friend and said just out of curiosity could she pull some comps for us. Jeff went to send her the listing that night and to his surprise the price had just been reduced. The agent sent us some information and we decided to tour the house. Upon closer inspection, we liked the home even more. All said we made and offer and signed a contract on Friday. We are buying a home and planting roots!
So I am totally crazy. I have a newborn not a month old, I bought a house and will have to move. But the house is just that great. This move should be the easiest, as moves go, that I have every made. The house we are buying is just around the corner, literally. The home shares a back fence with our next door neighbor. It is a mid-century ranch and some of the reasons we love has a detached garage and a car port, our visitors no longer have to park on the street or even be exposed to the elements when they visit. The house is 3 bedroom, 2 bath which is perfect for the 4 of us. The house has formal living and dining, den and kitchen with eat in area. All of the rooms in the home are very large and the flow is great. There are wood floors throughout the home except for in the kitchen (I'll discuss that more later.) Double sinks in the hall bathroom and lots and lots of storage. The backyard is nice with a paved area large enough for a table and chairs. It even has 2 pecan trees, so we won't loose that either. Now for the true selling point, there is a bonus room and bathroom attached to the garage. WE HAVE GUEST QUARTERS! Our parents can soon visit us and stay in their own private retreat away from a the nighttime fun that parents of young children often enjoy at 2 am.
The house is such a perfect fit that I was telling the realtor that I would probably renovate the master bath one day as I always wanted a large shower with a double shower head, as I opened the shower door, I noticed 2 shower heads. The kitchen...the owners wanted to ask a premium for the house for the renovated kitchen the only problem is it is renovated to look just like a 1950's kitchen. It has black and white linoleum floors, fantastically retro cabinets and a tile counter top. Jeff and I said upgrades don't count if you can't tell they are there. The kitchen is large and very functional so I will not complain, but I will admit once the house is paid for it is first on the list for the remodel.
Again, I am crazy. This fall will be fun. Please keep us in your prayers as the paper work still needs to be signed and we still have the inspection. But we are planting roots, right here. The boys will go to the Catholic school just down the street. I don't know where the future will take us but I just feel so blessed.
Many of our family know that we have had discussions with the owner of our home about purchasing it. The negotiations for that fell apart this summer when he decided he didn't want to sell it at that time. Jeff and I were confused and a little disappointed, but we both had faith in God that He would lead us where He needed. Not exactly sure where that was but we both had lots of peace.
In the mean time, we took the opportunity to walk through some open houses and check out the nearby areas for comps and availability. Most of our adventures taught me 2 things...first, I love this location; second, I hadn't seen a house that really fit us.
A little over a month ago, Jeff saw a house come up for sale when he was taking Champ to the park. That weekend they had an open house and we walked over. Having been to a lot of these, Jeff and I were surprised that we didn't unlike the house. The price was above what we had budgeted and I was really pregnant with Rome. We knew the house was pricey but nice and thought it would sell quickly. To our surprise it stayed on the market. Just Monday, Jeff bumped into a realtor friend and said just out of curiosity could she pull some comps for us. Jeff went to send her the listing that night and to his surprise the price had just been reduced. The agent sent us some information and we decided to tour the house. Upon closer inspection, we liked the home even more. All said we made and offer and signed a contract on Friday. We are buying a home and planting roots!
So I am totally crazy. I have a newborn not a month old, I bought a house and will have to move. But the house is just that great. This move should be the easiest, as moves go, that I have every made. The house we are buying is just around the corner, literally. The home shares a back fence with our next door neighbor. It is a mid-century ranch and some of the reasons we love has a detached garage and a car port, our visitors no longer have to park on the street or even be exposed to the elements when they visit. The house is 3 bedroom, 2 bath which is perfect for the 4 of us. The house has formal living and dining, den and kitchen with eat in area. All of the rooms in the home are very large and the flow is great. There are wood floors throughout the home except for in the kitchen (I'll discuss that more later.) Double sinks in the hall bathroom and lots and lots of storage. The backyard is nice with a paved area large enough for a table and chairs. It even has 2 pecan trees, so we won't loose that either. Now for the true selling point, there is a bonus room and bathroom attached to the garage. WE HAVE GUEST QUARTERS! Our parents can soon visit us and stay in their own private retreat away from a the nighttime fun that parents of young children often enjoy at 2 am.
The house is such a perfect fit that I was telling the realtor that I would probably renovate the master bath one day as I always wanted a large shower with a double shower head, as I opened the shower door, I noticed 2 shower heads. The kitchen...the owners wanted to ask a premium for the house for the renovated kitchen the only problem is it is renovated to look just like a 1950's kitchen. It has black and white linoleum floors, fantastically retro cabinets and a tile counter top. Jeff and I said upgrades don't count if you can't tell they are there. The kitchen is large and very functional so I will not complain, but I will admit once the house is paid for it is first on the list for the remodel.
Again, I am crazy. This fall will be fun. Please keep us in your prayers as the paper work still needs to be signed and we still have the inspection. But we are planting roots, right here. The boys will go to the Catholic school just down the street. I don't know where the future will take us but I just feel so blessed.

Monday, September 21, 2009
growing pains
or successes?
Things here have been going well. We have been busy enjoying visits by both Honey and Budman as well as Mawmaw and Pawpaw. We are all grateful for the help with the boys as well as the food.
Champ has been teaching us what being two means. We expected the trials, tantrums and growing vocabulary. All of that has gone just as expected. Our discipline must be working as Champ realizes that the tone of voice and counting to 3 means he is pushing the limits and he needs to comply or something un-fun will follow. He responds really well.
Something quirky has been going on for the last 6 weeks or so...our wonderful sleeper vanished. He fought naps, bedtimes and even the start of the evening routine. I invested in a book and tried some of its tips. Champ started to sleep better, but insisted on sleeping on the floor, not in his bed. We even asked the pediatrician about his quirky behavior. He reassured us it was a phase that would go when Champ realized his bed was much more comfortable. Well Champ took a 2 hour nap Sunday and has slept in his bed for 2 full nights. I just wonder what is around the next corner...
Rome has been a great baby doing all he is supposed to do: eat, sleep and dirty lots of diapers. He gives us good and bad nights and last night was great. He is just 3 weeks old, but I fed him at midnight and proceeded to sleep until 7 am. I hope we can start stringing some of those nights together.
For what everyone has been waiting for...the picture. Here are the boys from Saturday morning. I love the look on Champ's face.
Things here have been going well. We have been busy enjoying visits by both Honey and Budman as well as Mawmaw and Pawpaw. We are all grateful for the help with the boys as well as the food.
Champ has been teaching us what being two means. We expected the trials, tantrums and growing vocabulary. All of that has gone just as expected. Our discipline must be working as Champ realizes that the tone of voice and counting to 3 means he is pushing the limits and he needs to comply or something un-fun will follow. He responds really well.
Something quirky has been going on for the last 6 weeks or so...our wonderful sleeper vanished. He fought naps, bedtimes and even the start of the evening routine. I invested in a book and tried some of its tips. Champ started to sleep better, but insisted on sleeping on the floor, not in his bed. We even asked the pediatrician about his quirky behavior. He reassured us it was a phase that would go when Champ realized his bed was much more comfortable. Well Champ took a 2 hour nap Sunday and has slept in his bed for 2 full nights. I just wonder what is around the next corner...
Rome has been a great baby doing all he is supposed to do: eat, sleep and dirty lots of diapers. He gives us good and bad nights and last night was great. He is just 3 weeks old, but I fed him at midnight and proceeded to sleep until 7 am. I hope we can start stringing some of those nights together.
For what everyone has been waiting for...the picture. Here are the boys from Saturday morning. I love the look on Champ's face.

Friday, September 11, 2009
long overdue
I am sorry to everyone that the blog posting are coming so slowing with regards to our changing family. The week of Rome's arrival our wonderful high speed internet was, well, dead. Long story short but 3 technicians and one pole check later and the internet is up and running. It is so crazy how fast the internet has become a staple of daily life and I never realized that until no access for over a week. I couldn't see the weather radar, find take-out numbers or let alone access email. We kind of felt cut-off, but I guess the first week with a new baby is the best time for that.
On to more important things...the boys! Champ and Rome are both doing well. Champ loves his new brother and is learning quickly (with a few meltdowns) what he can and can't do. His first impression of his "brover" was "you mean he isn't MINE!?" Champ wanted to hold him and pick him up. We had to teach him that he can only hold brother sitting with Mom or Dad. It took a few days to get there, but he is compliant with that rule. The next obstacle was teaching "soft, soft." Champ's definition of soft is quite different than ours. He was all too excited to point out his eyes, mouth, ears and such. By point out, I mean poke, bang, tug. We are encouraging good behavior and he is catching on quickly.
Rome has been an ideal baby. He eats well, sleeps well, with almost non existent gas or spit-up. I really don't remember Champ being this easy. So far it is a pleasant surprise. I am keeping my fingers crossed, though, colic doesn't usually manifest until 2 weeks and we haven't reached that point yet. He is so snugly and sweet. He loves to fall asleep in the crook of an arm. I am falling in love hard and fast.
Sorry for no pictures yet, I am hoping to take some pictures of both boys this weekend if the weather cooperates.
Thanks to everyone for there love and prayers. We are all doing really well.
On to more important things...the boys! Champ and Rome are both doing well. Champ loves his new brother and is learning quickly (with a few meltdowns) what he can and can't do. His first impression of his "brover" was "you mean he isn't MINE!?" Champ wanted to hold him and pick him up. We had to teach him that he can only hold brother sitting with Mom or Dad. It took a few days to get there, but he is compliant with that rule. The next obstacle was teaching "soft, soft." Champ's definition of soft is quite different than ours. He was all too excited to point out his eyes, mouth, ears and such. By point out, I mean poke, bang, tug. We are encouraging good behavior and he is catching on quickly.
Rome has been an ideal baby. He eats well, sleeps well, with almost non existent gas or spit-up. I really don't remember Champ being this easy. So far it is a pleasant surprise. I am keeping my fingers crossed, though, colic doesn't usually manifest until 2 weeks and we haven't reached that point yet. He is so snugly and sweet. He loves to fall asleep in the crook of an arm. I am falling in love hard and fast.
Sorry for no pictures yet, I am hoping to take some pictures of both boys this weekend if the weather cooperates.
Thanks to everyone for there love and prayers. We are all doing really well.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Rome Hembley is here
Rome Hembley arrive August 31 at 4:20. He was 6 lbs 3 oz and 19 in long. We are all doing well and just arriving home.
More details to follow soon...a 2 year old is melting down.
More details to follow soon...a 2 year old is melting down.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
36 weeks and only God knows
Well, the little man is still kicking away in my belly as the countdown continues. This pregnancy has been quite similar to Champ's in many ways, but in some it is quite different. I have this little wish that his arrival will be sooner rather than later and not because it's hot and not because I have a huge belly and not because the I have a head on my bladder...I really want to beat a September 1st date. Why? That is the Texas cutoff for starting school. I really want my boys to be only 2 years apart in school to keep them as close as possible. In all my life I try to place my full trust in God and He is the only one knows when things will truly happen. So again, I pray but trust in His path.
The biggest change so far in this pregnancy is contractions. Champ came only with the doctor's prodding and was running from "the light" until he was forced out. This little guy has been hinting to come but every start, just stops. I get slight cramping and initial signs to get my hopes up and it goes as quickly as it comes.
Champ's last couple of weeks lead me to believe that he was going to have a head like a rock. He has proven that trait more than once over the last couple of years. I'm not sure what this little man is hinting at. Will he be indicisive or laid back? All I know is seeing how wonderful of a gift Champ has been, I can't wait to meet this little man.
The biggest change so far in this pregnancy is contractions. Champ came only with the doctor's prodding and was running from "the light" until he was forced out. This little guy has been hinting to come but every start, just stops. I get slight cramping and initial signs to get my hopes up and it goes as quickly as it comes.
Champ's last couple of weeks lead me to believe that he was going to have a head like a rock. He has proven that trait more than once over the last couple of years. I'm not sure what this little man is hinting at. Will he be indicisive or laid back? All I know is seeing how wonderful of a gift Champ has been, I can't wait to meet this little man.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
well into week 35
Just a quick update...Jeff and I got to see the little guy one more time before his arrival. We went to see how big he was getting and he was estimated at 5lb 13oz. This little guy looks to be tracking his brother well. Champ is getting ready. I told him yesterday someone was coming to see him and he responded "brother?" I had to let him down that it was just his aunt and uncle. He loves his time with them, so he didn't mind his first guess wasn't right.
We are all just enjoying the quiet before the storm now. Don't quite know when things will get crazy, but we are as ready as we can be. Stay tuned and we'll update everyone as we learn more.
We are all just enjoying the quiet before the storm now. Don't quite know when things will get crazy, but we are as ready as we can be. Stay tuned and we'll update everyone as we learn more.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
34 weeks...
Just wanted a quick update for all those eagerly awaiting the newest addition to our family. We visited the doctor today and everything is going well. The little guy has a strong heartbeat at 152 bpm and is kicking a great deal. Things are progressing very similarly to Champ, so we appear to be on a similar timeline.
In my previous posts, I promised some pictures. Champ received his LSU jersey in time for his school day and was the best dressed in the class. We took some pictures and would lover to share them. Hope you enjoy.

In my previous posts, I promised some pictures. Champ received his LSU jersey in time for his school day and was the best dressed in the class. We took some pictures and would lover to share them. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
32 weeks and counting...
Another couple of weeks and another good doctor's visit. We checked in with the doctor this morning and all seems well. She gave me some very relieving news that the baby is head down, for any woman that is a huge sigh of relief. Champ was very happy to hear his brother's heart beat again (as were we).
I am doing well, but the little guy is moving a lot and the free space is getting less and less as he grows. So now all of those wonder full movements press into a rib, a hip, or (my favorite) the bladder.
Champ is doing well and progressing steadily towards two. He is mastering a great tantrum and his ability to acknowledge his name when he so chooses. On the other hand, the little bugger is smart and can follow complex command when he wants to. For example, the other night Jeff asked him if he would like to go get something in the garage. Champ immediately picked up Jeff's shoes, brought them to him and said hurry. Then he walked over to the back door and said bye mommy.
He gets it...we, to just out smart the little guy.
Tomorrow for champ is "wear your favorite jersey to school" day. Thanks to all his grandparents he has a shiny white jersey that perfectly matches a book about a child's first game day experience. He will be the best prepared child in school and should represent LSU well. I hope to get some good pictures and finally get some recent ones of him on the blog.
I am doing well, but the little guy is moving a lot and the free space is getting less and less as he grows. So now all of those wonder full movements press into a rib, a hip, or (my favorite) the bladder.
Champ is doing well and progressing steadily towards two. He is mastering a great tantrum and his ability to acknowledge his name when he so chooses. On the other hand, the little bugger is smart and can follow complex command when he wants to. For example, the other night Jeff asked him if he would like to go get something in the garage. Champ immediately picked up Jeff's shoes, brought them to him and said hurry. Then he walked over to the back door and said bye mommy.
He gets it...we, to just out smart the little guy.
Tomorrow for champ is "wear your favorite jersey to school" day. Thanks to all his grandparents he has a shiny white jersey that perfectly matches a book about a child's first game day experience. He will be the best prepared child in school and should represent LSU well. I hope to get some good pictures and finally get some recent ones of him on the blog.
Monday, July 13, 2009
the little man returns
Champ arrived yesterday afternoon and received many hugs and kisses from Mom and Dad. His priorities, however, remain unchanged. After getting out of the car from the trip, I had to bribe him to come inside with a popsicle. He would have been very happy to stay in the crazy heat and reconnect with his truck and tractor.
When he came into his room, he saw the progress we had made (setting up the crib and pulling out the infant swing) and said "brother." I said he will come soon, and as much as he understands this whole process he seemed pleased with that. He ate dinner and played with Jeff and I until 7:30. He started to get cranky and fell asleep at 8:00 with little protest.
Jeff checked in on him before going to bed and reported that all of his covers were off and he was near the edge of his bed. Jeff readjusted him and tucked him in, "tight", but he was out cold. This morning he awoke pleasantly to the sunshine through his windows. He was very happy to see his school, teacher and friends. But this morning, breakfast was first thing on his mind as he walked in the room. I can't wait to pick him up this afternoon and get another big hug.
When he came into his room, he saw the progress we had made (setting up the crib and pulling out the infant swing) and said "brother." I said he will come soon, and as much as he understands this whole process he seemed pleased with that. He ate dinner and played with Jeff and I until 7:30. He started to get cranky and fell asleep at 8:00 with little protest.
Jeff checked in on him before going to bed and reported that all of his covers were off and he was near the edge of his bed. Jeff readjusted him and tucked him in, "tight", but he was out cold. This morning he awoke pleasantly to the sunshine through his windows. He was very happy to see his school, teacher and friends. But this morning, breakfast was first thing on his mind as he walked in the room. I can't wait to pick him up this afternoon and get another big hug.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
perfect summer day
As, I mentioned yesterday Champ is in Louisiana visiting his grandparents. During our goodnight call last night, we learned Champ has already had a new experience. As he arrived at his Nanny's house, he got out of the car dancing to the music. The music puzzled the adults, but they soon realized it was the call of the neighborhood ice cream truck.
Well as a good grandparent does, Paw Paw treated all the grand kids to their choice. My sister-in-law sent some wonderful pictures. Oh, how nice it is to be a child during summer. Below is Champ with his cousins Charlie and Catherine checking out their options.
Well as a good grandparent does, Paw Paw treated all the grand kids to their choice. My sister-in-law sent some wonderful pictures. Oh, how nice it is to be a child during summer. Below is Champ with his cousins Charlie and Catherine checking out their options.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
30 weeks...
To calm all of the anxious grandparents, the check-up today was normal. Both the little guy and I are fine and right on track. Hopefully in the next 4 to 10 weeks we will all get to meet the new little guy.
Jeff and I are looking forward to our 3-day weekend. Champ has gone to spend time with his MawMaw and PawPaw and we will be enjoying a little stay-cation as I can't really travel now. This will likely be our last quiet moments for quite some time and I plan to cherish all of them. We love the little guy and will miss him but all of us will enjoy the time away to appreciate the time together.
Thank you MawMaw and PawPaw, we really appreciate your volunteering.
Jeff and I are looking forward to our 3-day weekend. Champ has gone to spend time with his MawMaw and PawPaw and we will be enjoying a little stay-cation as I can't really travel now. This will likely be our last quiet moments for quite some time and I plan to cherish all of them. We love the little guy and will miss him but all of us will enjoy the time away to appreciate the time together.
Thank you MawMaw and PawPaw, we really appreciate your volunteering.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
29 weeks...
The countdown continues to the arrival of the new little man. I am feeling great, but just ready to not be pregnant any longer. It appears that the timing of this pregnancy has not been the best, as Houston has recorded its hottest June in history. We have been staying inside mostly enjoying the AC. The occasional outside plans usually involve a swimming pool.
Jeff has put the crib back in infant mode. He has also pulled down the carseat, bottles and such. Even going so far as to wash and dry all of the covers on everything.
Last week, during our Target trip, we picked up useful newborn things like pacifiers and diapers. When Jeff grabbed the pacifiers, Champ wanted them. No, not to suck on, but to hold proudly and announce to everyone in the store for the remainder on the trip, "brover, brover." I don't think he fully comprehends things, but we'll be there soon.
Jeff has put the crib back in infant mode. He has also pulled down the carseat, bottles and such. Even going so far as to wash and dry all of the covers on everything.
Last week, during our Target trip, we picked up useful newborn things like pacifiers and diapers. When Jeff grabbed the pacifiers, Champ wanted them. No, not to suck on, but to hold proudly and announce to everyone in the store for the remainder on the trip, "brover, brover." I don't think he fully comprehends things, but we'll be there soon.
Friday, June 26, 2009
babies and championships
Ironies of ironies...I will have 2 little boys and each will have a National Title in his year of birth to celebrate. Champ was 2007 with a BCS championship and #2 will have a CWS.
But to answer the questions, no I don't intend to keep having children to keep the Championship series ongoing. I think LSU will do just fine without me.
However, I am very pround of the Tigers. They won big and showed nothing but class along the way. There is no better way than that. Geaux Tigers! (Titers according to Champ)
But to answer the questions, no I don't intend to keep having children to keep the Championship series ongoing. I think LSU will do just fine without me.
However, I am very pround of the Tigers. They won big and showed nothing but class along the way. There is no better way than that. Geaux Tigers! (Titers according to Champ)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
28 weeks and counting
I had my doctor's visit as planned this week. The little guy is growing and kicking happily. He has a strong heart beat and everything looks good.
The doctor says full term is 37 weeks, but 32 is good and 34 is great. He can come anytime then. Everyone keep all of us in your prayers for the next 4-6 weeks as we finish out the pregnancy.
The countdown is on...
The doctor says full term is 37 weeks, but 32 is good and 34 is great. He can come anytime then. Everyone keep all of us in your prayers for the next 4-6 weeks as we finish out the pregnancy.
The countdown is on...
Monday, June 22, 2009
it's funny how things work out
Well, the weekend didn't start well. Friday morning while getting Champ breakfast I heard a grinding-like noise outside the kitchen window. The AC sounded a little ill. Well that evening hot air was all that was coming through the vents. Fortunately the AC cooled us long enough for the sun to set. With fans whirling we made it through the night not too badly.
Saturday morning we were headed to Jeff's parents for a quick Sat-Sun visit. After Jeff got word the AC couldn't be repaired until Monday, we extended our visit by a night. With me in the 3rd trimester and Champ just shy of 2, we were not coming home in 100 F weather to no AC. The repairman is supposed to be at our house now, and hopefully things will be cool when we return home this evening.
So a broken AC in a June Houston heat wave, just lead to a slightly extended vacation lounging by the pool. That's not so bad all considered.
Saturday morning we were headed to Jeff's parents for a quick Sat-Sun visit. After Jeff got word the AC couldn't be repaired until Monday, we extended our visit by a night. With me in the 3rd trimester and Champ just shy of 2, we were not coming home in 100 F weather to no AC. The repairman is supposed to be at our house now, and hopefully things will be cool when we return home this evening.
So a broken AC in a June Houston heat wave, just lead to a slightly extended vacation lounging by the pool. That's not so bad all considered.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I must start for apologizing for my absence in blogging. The last month has been quiet and busy all at the same time.
Champ finished swimming lessons for the year. He did exceptionally well as he shows no fear of water (good and bad). He will put his face underwater, jump and blow bubbles, but kicking and paddling are a little beyond him still. We will continue to work on that this summer. The good and bad of the lack of fear is he loves the pool, but will just jump in or dive in unafraid. That means mom or dad must be always nearby to scoop him up. The swimming lessons will continue through the years until I have full confidence in his swimming abilities.
Champ's school has also "transitioned" which means that the children all move to appropriate aged classrooms. Champ will not move until he turns 2 (end of summer) so some classmates moved up and new ones joined. The new students have been former classmates so he was very excited to re-connect. The first day his note home said "Champ and Amelie had a great time kissing each other all afternoon." That's right my not-quite-2-year-old has a girl friend. Each morning he gets in the car saying "Ami". It's funny how the two of them have been apart for 4 months, but the attraction has not faded. Ami's mom has even told me the two hug each other each morning. For all those who know this is actually Champ's second girlfriend. The first one at 8 months old, but she moved to Colorado last summer. We are in for serious trouble over the next 16 years!
We have also traveled and hosted visitors. We took a long weekend to Austin and had a great time with friends. Jeff went cycling on a route he wasn't quite prepared for and the hills of Austin proved to not let him down. When the cyclists wandered in soaking wet and a little sun burned, we knew it had not gone well. After some rest and fluids, he and Taylor looked quite a bit better. The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing, just as we had hoped for.
Fortunately both of our parents have been able to visit within the last month. Jeff's parents stopped in with a business trip and enjoyed a day with Champ. He had a little flare-up with his asthma that didn't allow anyone to sleep, but he recovered. I have learned that toddlers do not make for good hosts. Living in a small house is wonderful except at 2:00 am when someone is screaming. The problem with small children is that their only communication is crying and illness is frequent and unpredictable. On to my parents visit...My parents, smartly, took this trip to stay with my brother and his wife. No small children, nice restful sleep. However 3 blocks away, teething kept Champ up every 2 hours, by 5:30 am he was ready to go. Fortunately nothing more serious, but Jeff and I did need sleep the next day.
Also a huge thanks to my parents, as the weekend of their visit Jeff and I got called into work. They were gracious baby sitters and even allowed Jeff and I a night out for our Anniversary. Yep, it's been 8 wonderful years, so Jeff only has 42 left in his promise.
And finally a new little guy update...both he and I are doing well. My belly is growing and Champ enjoys the opportunity to kiss his "baby brother" (my belly). We still have not finalized on a name and don't have the first thing ready in the house. The final trimester has begun, so the countdown to his arrival is clicking along.
All my love to all and thanks for keeping up with all of our ramblings.
Champ finished swimming lessons for the year. He did exceptionally well as he shows no fear of water (good and bad). He will put his face underwater, jump and blow bubbles, but kicking and paddling are a little beyond him still. We will continue to work on that this summer. The good and bad of the lack of fear is he loves the pool, but will just jump in or dive in unafraid. That means mom or dad must be always nearby to scoop him up. The swimming lessons will continue through the years until I have full confidence in his swimming abilities.
Champ's school has also "transitioned" which means that the children all move to appropriate aged classrooms. Champ will not move until he turns 2 (end of summer) so some classmates moved up and new ones joined. The new students have been former classmates so he was very excited to re-connect. The first day his note home said "Champ and Amelie had a great time kissing each other all afternoon." That's right my not-quite-2-year-old has a girl friend. Each morning he gets in the car saying "Ami". It's funny how the two of them have been apart for 4 months, but the attraction has not faded. Ami's mom has even told me the two hug each other each morning. For all those who know this is actually Champ's second girlfriend. The first one at 8 months old, but she moved to Colorado last summer. We are in for serious trouble over the next 16 years!
We have also traveled and hosted visitors. We took a long weekend to Austin and had a great time with friends. Jeff went cycling on a route he wasn't quite prepared for and the hills of Austin proved to not let him down. When the cyclists wandered in soaking wet and a little sun burned, we knew it had not gone well. After some rest and fluids, he and Taylor looked quite a bit better. The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing, just as we had hoped for.
Fortunately both of our parents have been able to visit within the last month. Jeff's parents stopped in with a business trip and enjoyed a day with Champ. He had a little flare-up with his asthma that didn't allow anyone to sleep, but he recovered. I have learned that toddlers do not make for good hosts. Living in a small house is wonderful except at 2:00 am when someone is screaming. The problem with small children is that their only communication is crying and illness is frequent and unpredictable. On to my parents visit...My parents, smartly, took this trip to stay with my brother and his wife. No small children, nice restful sleep. However 3 blocks away, teething kept Champ up every 2 hours, by 5:30 am he was ready to go. Fortunately nothing more serious, but Jeff and I did need sleep the next day.
Also a huge thanks to my parents, as the weekend of their visit Jeff and I got called into work. They were gracious baby sitters and even allowed Jeff and I a night out for our Anniversary. Yep, it's been 8 wonderful years, so Jeff only has 42 left in his promise.
And finally a new little guy update...both he and I are doing well. My belly is growing and Champ enjoys the opportunity to kiss his "baby brother" (my belly). We still have not finalized on a name and don't have the first thing ready in the house. The final trimester has begun, so the countdown to his arrival is clicking along.
All my love to all and thanks for keeping up with all of our ramblings.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
a mother's day to remember
This post is a little out of order, but I need to write this story so that I remember this day for everything it was.
My weekend story actually started Friday morning. When I woke up I my stomach felt tight. It felt as if my lower abdominal muscles were very tight. Jeff and I got dressed for a run and I warned him something felt off. Well we walked and about a block into it, then we turned around and headed home. I just couldn't go any further. I talked with the dr's office and they said it sounded like nothing to worry about. By that evening, my whole stomach hurt, I could barely walk and the pain was just getting worse. I called the doctor that night and our discussion we ruled out anything dangerous. She just told me to take lots of Advil, try to sleep and call her in the morning. The Advil eased things, I slept and felt better in the morning.
She had me continue on the Advil for the weekend and let her know if anything changed. On Saturday, I felt better but still tight. Tried not to move too much and such. That evening we joined the family for a swim and pizza. We had a wonderful time, but when I got out of the pool, I couldn't stop shivering. With my core muscles in spasm, the shivering was not fun. The men, Jeff and Champ, took me home and I huddled under blankets on the couch. I checked my temperature it was 100 F and rising, not good. I called the doctor and at 10 pm she told me pack a bag a head to the hospital for tests and I.V. We would spend the night.
I called in a favor for Champ and Jeff and I headed to the hospital. I was running a fever so they started checking the baby and running the orders from my doctor. The nurse told us sometimes the lab is slow and sometimes fast, no promises. Well it was a slow night and labs didn't return until 2ish am. All the analysis looked normal, baby fine, we were free to go home, it was most likely viral. Our reaction was one of relief (no surgery) but also one of exhaustion, can we just sleep the night? I got dressed and we headed home. One nice thing is we live less than a mile from the hospital, so the trip doesn't take long. We got about 3 hours of sleep before Champ woke up, not knowing anything of our night. (Oh, to be a toddler)
I am not sure what happened at the hospital, but Sunday I felt great. I again moved slow and made sure all was fine but I felt better than I had in days. Well as we all enjoyed our lazy morning, my son carried in a large Kate Spade bag saying "heaby, heaby." He brought over the bag and Jeff apologized for the lack of wrapping and the blank card. Given the circumstances, he had way surpassed expectations. Anyway, I got a purse and Champ got a great box full of tissue paper everyone was happy. So, for all the fathers out there, an adorable blue-eyed blond carrying in a designer bag is never a bad mother's day presentation. The day started on a low note, but turned out better than I expected. This is definitely a Mother's day I won't soon forget, but never wish to repeat.
So in summary I am feeling well and the baby is quite healthy. We are over half way to meeting the new little guy and I can't wait for his arrival.
My weekend story actually started Friday morning. When I woke up I my stomach felt tight. It felt as if my lower abdominal muscles were very tight. Jeff and I got dressed for a run and I warned him something felt off. Well we walked and about a block into it, then we turned around and headed home. I just couldn't go any further. I talked with the dr's office and they said it sounded like nothing to worry about. By that evening, my whole stomach hurt, I could barely walk and the pain was just getting worse. I called the doctor that night and our discussion we ruled out anything dangerous. She just told me to take lots of Advil, try to sleep and call her in the morning. The Advil eased things, I slept and felt better in the morning.
She had me continue on the Advil for the weekend and let her know if anything changed. On Saturday, I felt better but still tight. Tried not to move too much and such. That evening we joined the family for a swim and pizza. We had a wonderful time, but when I got out of the pool, I couldn't stop shivering. With my core muscles in spasm, the shivering was not fun. The men, Jeff and Champ, took me home and I huddled under blankets on the couch. I checked my temperature it was 100 F and rising, not good. I called the doctor and at 10 pm she told me pack a bag a head to the hospital for tests and I.V. We would spend the night.
I called in a favor for Champ and Jeff and I headed to the hospital. I was running a fever so they started checking the baby and running the orders from my doctor. The nurse told us sometimes the lab is slow and sometimes fast, no promises. Well it was a slow night and labs didn't return until 2ish am. All the analysis looked normal, baby fine, we were free to go home, it was most likely viral. Our reaction was one of relief (no surgery) but also one of exhaustion, can we just sleep the night? I got dressed and we headed home. One nice thing is we live less than a mile from the hospital, so the trip doesn't take long. We got about 3 hours of sleep before Champ woke up, not knowing anything of our night. (Oh, to be a toddler)
I am not sure what happened at the hospital, but Sunday I felt great. I again moved slow and made sure all was fine but I felt better than I had in days. Well as we all enjoyed our lazy morning, my son carried in a large Kate Spade bag saying "heaby, heaby." He brought over the bag and Jeff apologized for the lack of wrapping and the blank card. Given the circumstances, he had way surpassed expectations. Anyway, I got a purse and Champ got a great box full of tissue paper everyone was happy. So, for all the fathers out there, an adorable blue-eyed blond carrying in a designer bag is never a bad mother's day presentation. The day started on a low note, but turned out better than I expected. This is definitely a Mother's day I won't soon forget, but never wish to repeat.
So in summary I am feeling well and the baby is quite healthy. We are over half way to meeting the new little guy and I can't wait for his arrival.
Monday, May 11, 2009
what a difference a week makes...
As I chronicled Champ's first questionable swimming lesson, today was #2. Last week he had a little bug that kept us home most of the week, missing a swimming lesson. However Saturday we did get in a swim at his aunt and uncle's. He had a great time at the pool and ate almost 2 pieces of pizza when he finished.
Jeff and I were fully prepared for hesitation at the lesson and Jeff put on his swimsuit to assist with reassurance if necessary. Upon arriving at the pool, I was holing onto Champ by his swimsuit to keep him from jumping in. The instructor came up and he jumped into her arms. Jeff wasn't even changed and Champ was kicking away with the teacher. Needless to say, Jeff didn't get wet this week.
Our little guy is not ready for any swim meets quite yet, but no tears was a huge improvement. (He's not 2 and the 3-1/2 year old that takes lessons with him refused to get in the pool.) I love my little guy and he continues to charm everyone he meets. I promise pictures, but again forgot the camera. More to come.
Jeff and I were fully prepared for hesitation at the lesson and Jeff put on his swimsuit to assist with reassurance if necessary. Upon arriving at the pool, I was holing onto Champ by his swimsuit to keep him from jumping in. The instructor came up and he jumped into her arms. Jeff wasn't even changed and Champ was kicking away with the teacher. Needless to say, Jeff didn't get wet this week.
Our little guy is not ready for any swim meets quite yet, but no tears was a huge improvement. (He's not 2 and the 3-1/2 year old that takes lessons with him refused to get in the pool.) I love my little guy and he continues to charm everyone he meets. I promise pictures, but again forgot the camera. More to come.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
first swimming lesson
Champ's first swimming lesson was Monday and I was not quite sure what to expect. Last summer he loved the pool and he enjoys the bathtub. However this was his first lesson at a new place with an unfamiliar instructor.
So it went...upon arrival he was in awe of his new surroundings and just taking everything in. His instructor was sweet but being pulled into the cold pool with us on the sidelines was a little much. He quickly voiced his displeasure and offered some pitiful "mommy"s and "daddy"s. He was then very happy to just sit on the side and watch. Well I wasn't to pleased with that outcome, so Jeff happily pulled on some shorts and got Champ in the pool.His hesitation went away as he warmed in the pool. Within minutes he was in the instructors arms and kicking and such.
Well the lessons will continue through the month so I will keep all updated. Champ's next hurdle will be to blow bubbles instead of drink water. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I didn't bring the camera the first lesson. I will try and remember in the future so that I can chronicle the progress.
We also started helping him brush his teeth. He seems to enjoy the additional nightly ritual, but again the spit not swallow is something we have to work on.
On to the other little man...I had my 20 week ultrasound on Saturday. The little guy is on track for a mid-september due date and is "normal". During pregnancy "normal" is the perfect place to be.
So it went...upon arrival he was in awe of his new surroundings and just taking everything in. His instructor was sweet but being pulled into the cold pool with us on the sidelines was a little much. He quickly voiced his displeasure and offered some pitiful "mommy"s and "daddy"s. He was then very happy to just sit on the side and watch. Well I wasn't to pleased with that outcome, so Jeff happily pulled on some shorts and got Champ in the pool.His hesitation went away as he warmed in the pool. Within minutes he was in the instructors arms and kicking and such.
Well the lessons will continue through the month so I will keep all updated. Champ's next hurdle will be to blow bubbles instead of drink water. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I didn't bring the camera the first lesson. I will try and remember in the future so that I can chronicle the progress.
We also started helping him brush his teeth. He seems to enjoy the additional nightly ritual, but again the spit not swallow is something we have to work on.
On to the other little man...I had my 20 week ultrasound on Saturday. The little guy is on track for a mid-september due date and is "normal". During pregnancy "normal" is the perfect place to be.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
goodbye to sleep
Champ and the neighbor's goose have a very coordinated plan. One or the other will keep us up nightly. Well we have dealt with the goose by reminding the neighbor that it violates city ordinance to have a goose in a residential area. Goose - gone. Champ however continue to take hour naps, crash at 8:15 then wake up when ready. The other morning we were heading to work and I had to drag him out of bed for school. This morning we were planning to sleep a little longer and Champ was up earlier than the alarm (pre-daylight). Jeff tried to calm him down to sleep, but the Champ was ready to play. Ugh, the new little guy hasn't arrived and sleep is still at a premium.
So all the family knows, visited the doctor today for 20 week appointment. One strong little heartbeat at 135 bpm. We're half way there...
So all the family knows, visited the doctor today for 20 week appointment. One strong little heartbeat at 135 bpm. We're half way there...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
boy name
I have to admit turning to a family name for the first was easy, but now a second. Jeff and I are searching the memory banks for something to follow Champ, to be equally strong and unique. I don't think I fully comprehended how hard a challenge we set. Anyway today we walked past a key chain set with kids names, I scanned the rack, but Jeff said, don't waste too much time. If you find a name there, we won't use it anyway. He's right and the brain storm continues.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
well, they're not modest
I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second child. At this point, if the child cooperates, the sex of the child can be seen on the ultrasound. Well, my children are proving to not to be as soon as the doctor started up the ultrasound it was clear...a boy. Just like Champ, legs spread wide and a clear view. Everything else at the appointment went well. He is growing and everything looks really normal. I am feeling fine and enjoying the energy of the 2nd trimester.
I had a feeling years ago that I would have 2 little boys spaced about 2 years apart. It's funny how those premonitions work out. I am so exited to have all the boys in my home. My mom always tells this story about me and some things just never change...Many years ago when I was in Kindergarten, my mom brought me to a birthday party for a classmate. Upon arriving she noticed she had the only child in pig tails with all the rest of attendees and birthday boy being male. She also thought it funny, as she sat with the other moms and pointed out her child was the lone girl, the mothers all proceeded to comment that I was their son's girlfriend. God knows me and he only give me what I can handle.
The first question the doctor asked was what his name was going to, we haven't picked a name yet and in fact have barely discussed it. I will warn all to not get their hopes up. Jeff and I enjoyed keeping Champ's name private until his arrival was announced. We really enjoyed that secret and hope to do the same with this little guy.
Champ joined us at the doctor's and he clearly identified the baby on the screen. When we said the baby is in mommy's belly, he grabbed his belly, looked down and seemed puzzled. He will figure it all out in good time.
I had a feeling years ago that I would have 2 little boys spaced about 2 years apart. It's funny how those premonitions work out. I am so exited to have all the boys in my home. My mom always tells this story about me and some things just never change...Many years ago when I was in Kindergarten, my mom brought me to a birthday party for a classmate. Upon arriving she noticed she had the only child in pig tails with all the rest of attendees and birthday boy being male. She also thought it funny, as she sat with the other moms and pointed out her child was the lone girl, the mothers all proceeded to comment that I was their son's girlfriend. God knows me and he only give me what I can handle.
The first question the doctor asked was what his name was going to, we haven't picked a name yet and in fact have barely discussed it. I will warn all to not get their hopes up. Jeff and I enjoyed keeping Champ's name private until his arrival was announced. We really enjoyed that secret and hope to do the same with this little guy.
Champ joined us at the doctor's and he clearly identified the baby on the screen. When we said the baby is in mommy's belly, he grabbed his belly, looked down and seemed puzzled. He will figure it all out in good time.
Friday, March 27, 2009
it's friday!
That's really all I need to say. I'm sure everyone can relate to a long week and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The weather has cleared and I am planning for a long run before picking up Champ. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
the magic button...
short story by champ:
I like buttons. I like to press buttons. Some buttons make sounds. Some buttons make lights. I found a magic button. This button makes by door come off when I press it. I like buttons.
translation by dad:
I got out of the shower this morning and before I could finish drying off anna came in saying, "we have a problem." We usually close champ's door when he goes to bed, so the noise doesn't wake him up at night. He is now sleeping in a "big boy" bed, so we hear him in the morning trying to open the door when he wakes up. Because the house is old, he usually needs a hand because the door sticks. Well this morning he discovered the lock button and couldn't resist pressing it.
After anna telling me champ had locked himself in his room, we both discovered we would make terrible thieves. Neither of us could pick the lock. Finally the engineer kicked in, and I took the door apart to get him out. He had been upset during the process but seemed fairly amused to see his door off the hinges. The eventful morning also included something he hasn't done in a while - he pee'd on my shirt after I was all dressed. Anna and I laughed a lot (which is not my usual reaction to someone peeing on me) and considered it another adventure in parenthood.

He is getting more and more adorable. We have been enjoying his personality in spite of the adventures at times.
I like buttons. I like to press buttons. Some buttons make sounds. Some buttons make lights. I found a magic button. This button makes by door come off when I press it. I like buttons.
translation by dad:
I got out of the shower this morning and before I could finish drying off anna came in saying, "we have a problem." We usually close champ's door when he goes to bed, so the noise doesn't wake him up at night. He is now sleeping in a "big boy" bed, so we hear him in the morning trying to open the door when he wakes up. Because the house is old, he usually needs a hand because the door sticks. Well this morning he discovered the lock button and couldn't resist pressing it.
After anna telling me champ had locked himself in his room, we both discovered we would make terrible thieves. Neither of us could pick the lock. Finally the engineer kicked in, and I took the door apart to get him out. He had been upset during the process but seemed fairly amused to see his door off the hinges. The eventful morning also included something he hasn't done in a while - he pee'd on my shirt after I was all dressed. Anna and I laughed a lot (which is not my usual reaction to someone peeing on me) and considered it another adventure in parenthood.

He is getting more and more adorable. We have been enjoying his personality in spite of the adventures at times.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
confirmation...he likes to eat
Champ just had his 18 month check-up (I know I'm a little late he's 19 months plus). He checked out really healthy including his lungs, which the doctor says is a really good sign. His measurement come out as such 30% height, and 50% weight. I still contend his genes are a good guess. The blond hair, blue eyes and big tummy? Neither of his parents sport anything of the sort. Well I will have the big tummy soon, but that will be for a different reason.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
ten fingers and ten toes...
Well, ten more fingers and ten more toes, we are growing by that amount. The newest family member is due to arrive September 18th. Our doctor's appointment went extremely well today and we could see the arms, legs and all of the fingers and toes (and no additional appendage or lack of one at this time). The new little one has a strong heartbeat and looks really healthy. We all feel so blessed. Champ doesn't quite grasp the fact that he is going to be a big brother, but I am sure that truth will all unfold in time.
Monday, March 2, 2009
missing in action
I apologize to everyone who checks in on our blog from time to time. I have been very remiss from recent post or keeping things up to date in general. Life here is busy with work, keeping up with Champ and maintaining our sanity. We have been blessed by recent visits of all of the grandparents and we enjoyed both their stays a great deal. Thank you for making the trip. I only have a minute, but also wanted to have an updated picture of the growing man. This is from this weekend. The wind was blowing steady so his blond hair is everywhere.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
when it rains...
This week it's poured. Champ has had a runny nose and visited the pediatrician on Monday. Diagnoses... sinus and ear infection, augmenten. I went to the ENT with a terrible sinus headache, but I could still breath, I too had a sinus infection, augmenten to the rescue again. Jeff is helping us both mend and things are headed that way. The weather is gorgeous so hopefully a run is in order for this evening.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
geaux, (well in texas) go tigers
So we, the parents, attended our first open house, SVDP Tigers. I was really impressed but nervous at the same time. We attended the open house for the school at our church parish. The parish has 4000 registered families and a school for 500 students. This works out to 50 children K through 8th with a slightly smaller pre-K4.
The school was great. They started with a welcome from the principal followed by a video. The first segment of the video was dedicated to the spritual development of the children. Their religious education inclules a weekly school mass, amazing! (We had mass weekly but it was just a daily mass. The size of our school vs. the size of the Church prevented school masses too frequently.) This mass is said consistenly by the same priest aimed at the kids.
The video went on to list all of the school activies and extra-curricular activities for the children. Because the school is so small, there are no "cuts" on athletic teams. All of the girls can be cheerleaders and all of the boys football players, if they so wish. I admit seeing a football team fielded with just 25 boys must be histerical.
The tour then followed. We were escorted through the school by two current 8th grade girls. It was a tour nararated by two streams of conciounesses filled with "like, oh my God", "totally cool" and "it's soooo fun". It was a complete brain dump and really funny.
The school also boasts 100% acceptance into the Catholic High Schools and Public Magnent High Scools. This is good because I do hope Champ's education will not stop at the 8th grade.
At the end of the tour we spoke with the head of admissions where she said they usually had 40-50 applications for 32 pre-K spots and 50 application for kindergarten...for the remaining 18 spots. That's the scary part. Of corse sibilings get first admittance. The first child is always the hardest to get in. So I will say my prayers, sign my weekly checks to the Church and hope that Champ gets in.
Yes, I am admittedly high strung. Once Champ is in, then i relax. He is free to be who he is and do what he wants. the joys of being a parent...
The school was great. They started with a welcome from the principal followed by a video. The first segment of the video was dedicated to the spritual development of the children. Their religious education inclules a weekly school mass, amazing! (We had mass weekly but it was just a daily mass. The size of our school vs. the size of the Church prevented school masses too frequently.) This mass is said consistenly by the same priest aimed at the kids.
The video went on to list all of the school activies and extra-curricular activities for the children. Because the school is so small, there are no "cuts" on athletic teams. All of the girls can be cheerleaders and all of the boys football players, if they so wish. I admit seeing a football team fielded with just 25 boys must be histerical.
The tour then followed. We were escorted through the school by two current 8th grade girls. It was a tour nararated by two streams of conciounesses filled with "like, oh my God", "totally cool" and "it's soooo fun". It was a complete brain dump and really funny.
The school also boasts 100% acceptance into the Catholic High Schools and Public Magnent High Scools. This is good because I do hope Champ's education will not stop at the 8th grade.
At the end of the tour we spoke with the head of admissions where she said they usually had 40-50 applications for 32 pre-K spots and 50 application for kindergarten...for the remaining 18 spots. That's the scary part. Of corse sibilings get first admittance. The first child is always the hardest to get in. So I will say my prayers, sign my weekly checks to the Church and hope that Champ gets in.
Yes, I am admittedly high strung. Once Champ is in, then i relax. He is free to be who he is and do what he wants. the joys of being a parent...
Monday, January 5, 2009
yes, he's 17 months but...
I just registered for his future school open house (God willing). He won't even be admitted until 2011 for pre-K. It's a Catholic School with only 500 students in the middle of the 4th largest city in the country. I will have to see what building I will have to donate to get him in.
I must apologize for the lack of posts. There will be some to come soon with pictures from Christmas and such.
And I promise to get more frequent in my posts.
I must apologize for the lack of posts. There will be some to come soon with pictures from Christmas and such.
And I promise to get more frequent in my posts.
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